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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 8

Read online Never Late, Never Away free Chapter 8

There, on his ring finger, was a simple and plain ring.

It was the one that she had bought yesterday.

Utterly stunned by the revelation, she temporarily forgot to sit down at the table. In the end, Finnick raised his head to glance at her.

“What’s wrong?” His eyes moved to glance at her empty finger before his brow rose up in question. “Where’s your ring?”

Embarrassment coursed through Vivian.

She had felt like the rings that she had bought were not worthy of his status. Hence, she had not worn her own. What I had not expected was for him to find the ring and actually put it on!

Left with no other choice, Vivian fished her ring out from her bag and slipped it onto her finger. She murmured lowly, “Sorry, I picked this design at random.”

Finnick’s lips curled upward. “It’s fine. It looks very nice.”

Not sure what to say to that, the woman soon sat down and focused on eating her breakfast.

After they were done, Finnick set his newspaper aside and stated, “I’ll take you to work.”

“There’s no need for that,” Vivian answered swiftly. “I can hail a taxi or take the subway.”

Heck no! If anyone at the magazine company recognizes you, the women are going to tear me to pieces!

“There aren’t any subway stations near here and you won’t be able to catch a taxi either.” His brows furrowed slightly.

It was true. On her way here yesterday, Vivian had noticed that this was a neighborhood for the filthy rich. All the residents here had their own cars. Naturally, there would not be any taxis or subway stations around.

She checked the time only to see that it was getting a bit late. Resigned, she uttered, “Then I’ll have to trouble you. Could you drop me off at a subway station on the way to your company?”

He leveled her with a blank gaze for several long moments, causing her to panic internally. At long last, he gave her a nod.

By the time they exited the villa, a black Bentley was already waiting for them.

A young man was standing beside the car. He introduced himself as Noah Lotte, Finnick’s personal assistant.

Noah opened the car door but made no move to help Finnick. Just as Vivian was wondering how he would get in, a ramp descended from the vehicle. Soon, his wheelchair rolled up smoothly.

She entered the car, whereupon she discovered that the interior had been modified as well. There was a specific area for Finnick’s wheelchair.

Sitting down on a seat, the car soon started up and they were off to the nearest subway station.

The car rolled to a stop before the subway station. Through the windows, Finnick took in the crowded place with a small frown. “It’s rather inconvenient for you to go to work like this. If you don’t want me to take you to work, I can get you a car.”

Astonished at his words, she instantly refused, “There’s really no need for that.”

Of course, she knew that buying a car was nothing to him. However, she still did not feel comfortable spending his money.

Her immediate rejection of his offer had Finnick’s eyes darkening as he rumbled, “I’m not always at the villa. How will you get to work then?”

That was something that she had been pondering, ever since she had gotten into the car. She took out her phone and waved it at him, replying, “It’s really easy and convenient to hail a taxi now. I’ll have to wake up a little earlier to book one. Erm… I’m going to be late soon, so I have to go. Bye.”

She did not wait for his response as she practically fled from the car.

From his position inside the vehicle, Finnick stared at the rapidly retreating back, with an indecipherable look in his eyes.


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