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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44
An uneasy feeling crawled onto her neck. She squeezed the note even tighter, then slipped it into her purse.
Paul was someone she’d become acquainted with from the Group’s previous annual party. He was one of the people Westley had introduced to her, and that day, they’d bonded very well with Paul being a very lovable man.
He was a man in his early fifties and had some sort of relationship with Westley. So, there were a few times Sylvie had seen him with Westley, which made them even become better friends.
Prior to that time, they’d already met and exchanged pleasantries at the party. But now, she couldn’t understand what he had to say about Kage. It seemed creepy, for some reason,
She kept checking the time. Everything was still going normal at the party. She couldn’t find Paul around and figured he was already making his way to the balcony.
After what seemed like an eternity, it was finally fifteen minutes.
“I think I need to use the restroom,” she said to Westley who had been having fun conversations with the people on the table.
“Okay. Do you need some sort of assistance? Should I go with you?”
She hit him on the shoulder. “You’re not crazy, are you?”
He smiled, then she walked off, exhaling a deep breath.
She took the elevator, clicking the button to the last floor where the balcony was. The party was taking place in a tower-like building. So, Sylvie has to go really up to get to the balcony.
She soon reached and emerged from the elevator.
It was quiet. She took slow, careful steps toward the balcony ahead, looking around. Somehow, she didn’t feel good about this. It was just like that night when Lancelot had deceived her.
Are you sure about this?” she had asked, her palms sweaty.
‘Of course, Sylvie. It’s only a sleep inducer. It’s not like you causing real harm, he’d said with that ugly smile on his face.
Sylvie sighed wearily, closing her eyes and shutting out the memories.
She kept walking, until she reached the balcony, and that was when it happened – the moment her heart stopped beating.
She froze, color draining from her face.
There was a corpse before her – someone was dead. Murdered. And it was Paul.
She stumbled back and screamed.
There were paramedics on the scene, as well as the cops who marked the place and checked for clues.
Sylvie was shaken, even as Westley had her pulled to himself with his arms around her. He’d also taken off his shirt jacket, wearing it on her since she’d developed sudden cold.
Paul’s body had been taken from the scene, but people still lingered about.
The man had been stabbed – six time’s in the chest, but the murder weapon wasn’t found.
14:59 Wed, Oct 9 BU.
Chapter 41
Kage and some of the other members were speaking to the cops and I no time, the cops moved to her.
“Miss, you were the first to find him this way. Can you tell us what you know? Why were you out here?” He asked.
Sylvie sniffed, getting of of Westley’s chest, although his hand still remained around her.
“I was… I was in the party. It suddenly became so stuffy, I needed air. I came up here and…and found him…like that. She inhaled shakily
Of course, thre ewa.snonwah she couldn’t tell them she was supposed to meet with him. That would make her a bigger suspect, and she wasn’t ready to get tangled in this mess.
“Did you see anyone or anything suspicious on your way here?” He asked, joting down something in his note.
She shook her head. “No. Everything was pretty normal until I found the body.”
There was silence with the man still taking notes.
“An eye witness said they’d seen him speaking to you just few minutes before you came up here and found him,” he asked
after a moment.
Sylvie’s heart carelessly skipped a beat. “I…”
“This was a party filled with more than sixty people,” Westley interjected. “Paul was no stranger to us and a lot of people in there. So, you can’t question her simply because they spoke and 7m damn sure she wasn’t the only one he’d spoken to in the
Last hour.”
Sylvie gulped hardly, her shoulders tensed.
The officer nodded, taking take down as well. “Um what exactly did he say, tho? When he met you?”
“If I was enjoying the party.”
He nodded. “So, you needed some air, you had to take the elevator up to the ninth floor to get it.”
“That’s enough, it wasn’t Westley who spoke now. It was Kage.
He walked up to them, his hands in his pockets. “Go find your killer and quit questioning the witness who found the victim. She’s exhausted and need to rest for the night.” He turned to Sylvie. “Let’s go.”
The officer bobbed. “Thank you for your responses, ma’am, and sorry for the stress you had to endure. We’ll let you know if there’s anything else.” He left.
Sylvie shuddered at the sight of Kage. Another reason she hadn’t said a word about Paul’s note was because she didn’t know how it’d affect Kage. His name had been mentioned in it. Now, Sylvie wondered, did Paul have something positive or negative to say about Kage? There was no way Kage would have something to do with it, right? Of course, not
Still, it gave her the chills, thinking of going home with him. Seeing Paul’s body had messed with her head so bad.
“L” she lowered her gaze. “I think I’d love to stay in an hotel.”
Kage arched his brows. “What’re you talking about? Why would you want to do that?”
She hit down on her lower lip, trying to pull herself together. God, she couldn’t go home with him. She knew it was crazy. but whatever if he had something to do with Paul? And what if he somehow, knew that Paul had tried to warn her? Kage wouldn’t try to hurt her, would he? Not when she was carrying his kids.
“I just think I need some air,” she sniffed. “Trust me, it has nothing to do with you. I just… After what happened, I think I need to be alone. Kage. Please
15.00 Wed, Oct 9 BH
Chapter 44
He wasn’t happy, but she hoped to God he would let her go.
“You don’t have to worry, I’ll make sure she gets there safe, Westley said.
It was enough to make Kage boil. He wanted to rip out his tongue for uttering a word about it.
“I didn’t ask you. And of course, you din hand a choice but to keep her safe, he gritted.
It wasn’t the first time Sylvie was seeing him angry, but in that moment, he looked hideous. God, her head was messed up
“You should take care. I’ll check on you later,” he told her and left


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