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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76
“For like twenty minutes-yes. She shrugged. “Hold on, am I in trouble for staying in your room? I mean, it isn’t the first time I’ve been there.” She raised her brows.
Westley’s stare lingered on her for a while before he smiled. “Of course. You’re welcome to any part of my home.” He moved forward, pulling her into a hug.
Sylvie breathed in relief. God, that was close. She hoped he didn’t suspect anything.
The chef finished cooking and they had dinner together when it was time. Westley talked about work as well as some funny events that had taken place.
Sylvie didn’t tell him about Kage. The last thing she wanted was to give him hope that he had a good chance with her since the Hawkins were against her relationship with Kage. Because honestly, she wasn’t sure she could end up with Westley anymore-not with what she knew about him.
“By the way, I’ll be resuming the case with the Group next week,” Westley said during their conversation. “I decided to be considerate and let Kage enjoy his wedding and honeymoon before I strike.”
Somehow, the news made Sylvie want to retch. Her expression turned sour as she looked down at her plate.
“Is it really necessary?” She mumbled.
“What did you say?”
“Why is it so important to take him down?” She lifted her gaze to him.
Evelyn’s words replayed in her head. “He wants to take over the Group completely. He wants Kage out of the way so the Group can be his.”
Thinking about the words made her boil.
“Don’t you think you two have had enough already? How much further are you willing to go before someone else gets hurt?”
Westley was surprised. “Wow. You’re taking his side again.”
“I am not taking anybody’s side!” She half-yelled. “Okay?! I’m just trying to put an end to this madness! You’ve been playing a very dangerous game, Wes! Paul is already dead for it. You got into an accident because of…”
“What do you mean Paul is already dead for it?” He cut her off.
Sylvie blinked, realizing her tongue had slipped. God-dammit.
“Paul was killed at the party.” Her voice was strained as she spoke, her eyes down on her plate. “It was a party where most of the guests were from the Group. Don’t you think anyone who might have killed him was from the Group?
“Okay… Let’s say that’s true. So, why were you linking it to me?”
She was speechless. No better excuse came to mind.
“I’m talking to you.”
“I don’t know, Wes!” She raised her voice a notch. “All I know is, things have been messy since you started challenging Kage.” “Challenging Kage? He took what was mine!”
“But the land wasn’t properly secured. You and your family were careless about it, and as a businessman, he took the
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Chapter 76
“Wow.” He laughed. “Look at you-defending your ex-husband. Isn’t that sweet?”
Sylvie frowned at the implication. “I am not defending anyone. Tam simply stating facts.”
“Facts like it’s cool to lose what’s mine but can’t take it from the bastard who did?”
“Kage isn’t a bastard. And all I’m trying to say is, I’m sick and tired of the whole power play.”
Silence settled in, so thick it made Sylvie uncomfortable. Westley’s gaze pierced her.
“Tell me, Sylvie.” He dropped his cutlery. “Would you have acted this way if I was up against someone else from the Group? Or is this simply happening because it’s Kage?”
Words escaped Sylvie. She dropped her gaze to the table, her heart hammering in her chest.
“Well, we can’t act like Kage is totally a stranger to me.” She mumbled, her voice tight..
Westley chuckled. “Looks like there’s been something positive coming from your stay with him. Weeks ago, he was a dickhead; today you’re defending him.”
She glared at him and stood up. “I think I have to go. Thank you for dinner.”
Westley angrily stood up, grabbing her wrist when she walked around the table. “Is there something I should know about? What? You’ve fallen for the son of a bitch?”
“Stop calling him names!” she flared.
Her chest heaved dangerously, and a dark light glinted in Westley’s eyes.
She yanked her hand free and stormed out of the room.
The machines beeped in Lancelot’s room where he lay unconscious. The door opened, and the nurse walked in, holding a file.
There was no one in the room-just as she was sure. His mother had stepped out to get something to eat, and as for his sister…well, the nurse didn’t know where she went, but she didn’t intend to stay around long enough to find out.
She moved to the machines, checking the IV fluids.
“You must kill him.” The woman’s voice rang in her head.
She turned off the IV fluids, and instantly, the machines started beeping alarmingly.
She was about to turn away when the door opened, revealing Lancelot’s sister-Emma.
Emma paled as she looked around, her eyes assessing what was happening. She saw the IV fluids that had been disconnected.
“What did you do to him!?” she flinched.
The nurse looked like she was about to drop dead. “I… I d… didn’t do anything! I… I was just…”
“Doctor!” Emma ran out of the room, screaming.
The nurse rushed out. She tried to run past Emma, who was still calling out to the doctors and nurses, but Emma gripped
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her hand. “Where do you think you’re going?” Emina glared hard at her.
The nurse stammered, not able to form any words.
The nurses and doctors came running to her aid.
“My brother! I don’t know what happened. The fluids…” Emma was explaining as they rushed into the room. But she couldn’t move with them since she was still holding the nurse.
“Ma’am, you need to let me go.” The lady struggled with her.
“No! I saw what you did. Were you trying to kill him?”
“Why in God’s name would I do that? I came in to check on him and found him that way. I was trying to fix it back on when…”
“Liar! I’d only been gone for a few minutes. No one else could’ve been here.”
“How can you be so sure about that?”
“Well, I guess you wouldn’t mind us checking the cameras then, to see who else has been here.
The nurse swallowed hard, her anxiety rising.
Suddenly, she struck Emma in the face. It sent Emma stumbling backward and grunting in pain.
The lady ran off, heading for the elevator.
“No! Stop her!” Emma shouted, but there was no staff in sight.
She ran after her, but the nurse got into the elevator before her, and it closed
Emma knew she couldn’t wait for it. She took the stairs, running and panting heavily. Her limbs were hurting by the time she reached the ground floor. She spotted the nurse heading for the door.
“Stop her! She tried to kill my brother!” Emma screamed.
Fortunately, it got the attention of the security guards at the door. As soon as the nurse reached the door, they seized her.
An hour later, they were in the director’s office.
The nurse was the only one sitting, while Lancelot’s family, as well as some doctors, surrounded her.
“I am asking you for the last time, Hailey. Why did you do it?” The director asked, his hands on his desk.
The nurse-Hailey-looked away. “I have told you already. I went in and found him-”
“Are you blind? Didn’t you see the tape?” One of the doctors pointed at the system in front of her. “After Emma left the room, you were the only one who went in.”
“Then it’s possible Emma did it. It wouldn’t be the first time siblings killed each other in history.”
Before another doctor could respond, Emma slapped her hard across the face. “You’re sick.”
The director held Emma’s hand, signaling her to stop.
One of the doctors spoke. “The minutes between when Emma left the room and when you went in is too long for Lancelot
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to have survived. If she truly did it, he’d have been dead before you walked in.
“And that leaves only you, bitch” One of the family members added.
Hailey sighed. “It’s… It’s possible the tape was altered or something. Maybe there’s a missing piece and-”
“Stop this madness, Hailey! Why did you try to kill him!?” The director slammed his hand against the table.
Hailey pressed her lips together. “I won’t allow any of you to intimidate me. If you’re taking this seriously, then I need my lawyer.”
The room fell silent for a few beats. The director sighed, then straightened.
“Fine. I’ve called the cops already. They should be here any minute. I wish you all the best, Hailey.”
Lancelot’s mother stepped into her space, standing so close she could see her face.
“Trust me, Hailey, no lawyer will save you.” Her tone was calm, her gaze locked on the girl’s. “You have my word, girl. By the end of today, you’ll have told us what we need to know.”
Hailey said nothing, but the hard gulp she took indicated that she was scared.
A few more minutes, and the cops arrived. Hailey was taken to the station.
The Hawkins were quite connected, of course. A few calls, and Hailey’s situation took a different turn.
She was kept in a room where she was tortured by some officers until she began begging for
“Tell us what you know.” One of the officers urged. “That is the only way this is going to end.” Hailey’s face was swollen and bruised. Anymore, and she wasn’t sure she’d survive it.
“I didn’t want to do it. Please…” she sobbed.
“Who sent you?”
“A woman! She asked me to get it done.”
“What’s her name? Who’s she?”
Hailey hesitated, weeping.
“If you don’t tell us this instant, our next tactic will make you think we’ve been giving you a massage this whole time.” He
It was difficult getting it out, but when she had to choose between her life and someone else’s, the choice was easy.
“Rebecca Harper.” She sniffled. “She paid me for the job.”


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