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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 

Sylvie’s fingers trembled slightly as she hovered over the send button. She’d rewritten her message at least a dozen times, each version sounding either too desperate or too indifferent

Finally, she took a deep breath and forced herself to hit send

Sylvie: Kage, can we talk

She set the phone down and leaned back on the couch, exhaling slowly as she rubbed her palm over the slight swell of her belly

The chime of her phone made her flinch. She grabbed it, her pulse jumping as Kage’s reply flashed on the screen

He replied with his address, nothing more

She stared at the message, biting her lip. He hadn’t asked why she wanted to talk, but she was surprised he even replied her at all

The ride felt endless. What was she going to say? Why did you do it?No, that sounded too accusatory. that to Lana?Worse. She’d left him, pushed him away, and now here she was, rushing back to him

How could you 



Finally, she pulled up in front of the sleek, modern building. It was one of Kage’s private apartments, one he rarely used so exclusive that not even his family knew much about it. The entrance was guarded, but the doorman had already been informed of her arrival and let her in without a word.” 

She rode the elevator up, the silence in the small space almost suffocating

When the doors slid open, she stepped into a dimly lit hallway, her gaze catching on the dark, polished wood of the Sapartment door at the end. She swallowed hard, her steps faltering for just a moment before she forced herself forward

Raising her hand, she knocked lightly

A few seconds passed before the door swung open, revealing Kage

For a moment, neither of them spoke. Then Kage stepped aside, his gaze never leaving hers. Come in.” 

Sylvie hesitated, but she stepped inside. The apartment was quiet, filled only with the faint scent of cedar and something uniquely Kage

He watched her, his gaze intense, studying her with a look that made her feel exposed

What is it?He asked quietly

He was wearing black shorts and a Tshirt looking as casual as she’s always liked. But he looked like the grumpy Kage the one she didn’t like

I saw the news,” he murmurest About the weddingSylvie swallowed, willing herself to meet his eyes. II saw the news,” she murmured. About the wedding.Sylvie swallowed, willing herself to meet his eyes.

Something dark flickered in his gaze, but his expression remained unreadable. And?

Had she not been so nervous, she’d have rolled her eyes at his grumpiness

And I want to know why.She crossed her arms over her chest. Why did you do it, Kage? Why did you leave Lana at the 


Slowly, he turned away, running a hand through his hair. Because I couldn’t go through with it.” 


11:38 Sat, Oct 12 

Chapter 79 

Sylvie blinked, taken aback. But why?” 

He let out a soft, bitter laugh, shaking his head. You really need me to spell it out, Sylvie? I couldn’t marry into another loveless marriage. Not again.His voice hardened, his jaw clenching. I’ve already been through that hell once with you.” 

The words hit her like a punch to the gut. Kage, II didn’t ” 

Didn’t what?he cut in, his gaze swinging back to hers. Didn’t mean to leave me? Didn’t mean to walk away? You made your choice, Sylvie. You chose to leave.” 


Because I had to!she burst out, the words slipping free before she could stop them. Your family they threatened me, Kage. They told me they would destroy my father’s company, ruin everything I have left. I didn’t leave because I wanted to. I left because I had no choice.” 

Silence fell, thick and heavy. Kage stared at her, his expression darkening, fury building in his eyes. What did you say?” 

Sylvie shook her head. Your aunts they cornered me. They said if I didn’t leave you, they’d make my life hell. They were the reasons my father’s company was locked down some days ago. So I left. I thought it would be better for everyone.” 

Kage’s hands clenched into fists, his jaw tight. Those fucking – 

Kage, don’t,she pleaded, stepping forward. Please, justcalm down.” 


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