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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84
Sylvie rang the bell again, looking around and wondering how long it’d take Evelyn to get the door. Wasn’t she home?
Her gaze drifted to the parking lot. Her cars seemed complete, with an extra one that seemed to look familiar. But she knew it didn’t belong to Evelyn. Anyway, it meant she was home. So, why was she taking so long to answer the door?
She was about ringing the bell again when Evelyn finally opened up, appearing breathless.
“Sylvie!” She half-exclaimed.
She was sweaty and… flustered, as if she’d been doing some serious running. But it was morning and the kids were supposed to be in school. What else kept her so busy?
“H… Hi, Evelyn.” Sylvie let out a tensed smile. “Sorry, did I meet you at a bad time?”
Evelyn managed to laugh, but it came out almost forced. “Of course, not. It’s just… you didn’t tell me you were coming.”
“Actually, I tried to call but couldn’t reach you. So, I sent you a text. Didn’t
Evelyn drew her brows, shaking her head. “Nah, don’t think I did.”
I blinked in surprise.
get it?”
“Oh Anyway, I’m sorry. It was urgent, so there was no time to wait. But-” It was odd that Sylvie was still standing outside the door with Evelyn in the way. She wasn’t letting her in? “-If this is a bad time, I
Just leave and-
“No, no, it’s fine. Do cone in.” Finally, Evelyn stepped out of the way.
Sylvie exhaled a deep breath as she walked into the cool living room. With the kids not home, the place looked organized.
Kids… The realization brought color to her cheeks. In a few months, she’d be getting ence a
a mum.
“Uh…. Do you have a guest? I saw a new car at the garage,” Sylvie asked as she took
whole new life of being
“Uh… Yes. I just had someone come around. What would you like to have, dear?” Evelyn was
on the couch.
eye contact
with her.
Sylvie didn’t know if she was behind paranoid, but Evelyn seemed kind of nervous.
“I’m fine. I just wanted to discuss Westley with you.”
“Oh, Westley.” Evelyn sank into the seat opposite hers, rubbing her hands on her arms. “I was equally pissed when I heard he won the vote. That guy is totally desperate.”
Unlike the other times they’ve spoken, Evelyn appeared less enthusiastic. If Sylvie didn’t know better, she’d think the woman wanted her out of the house as soon as possible.
Was it because of her guest? She’d changed the topic so swiftly when Sylvie asked. Who could it be? Perhaps, a relative?
“Yeah,” Sylvie lowered her gaze, tucking some strands of hair behind her ear. “And I’m even more annoyed by the fact that he isn’t done yet. I know he has more things up his sleeves, and it drives me nuts. I can’t ket that happen, Evelyn.”
Evelyn nodded. “Same here, I want nothing but to see him stopped.”
“Which is why I came to you today. We need to come up with a definite plan to keep him in place. I need you to find something anything at all – that’d prove he did something to your husband. And just so you know, I already told Kage
about it.”

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Chapter 84
Evelyn’s eyes beamed. “Y… You did?”
“Yes. I couldn’t go on with keeping him in the dark. If something this serious is going on, he needs to know.”

To Sylvie’s surprise, Evelyn flashed a broad smile the first genuine one she’s given since Sylvie arrived. “W…Well, that’s… that’s better. It’s best that Kage knows. Anyway,”
she tucked some hair behind her ear. “I don’t think I can find anything implicating from Paul’s end. I already checked, and you should know I would’ve used any evidence long before now if I found one. But Westley was extremely careful, he didn’t leave a trace. So, I think we might have to….”
Evelyn’s voice faded in Sylvie’s ears as her attention was snatched by something else. On the bar counter, there was a Richard Mille watch – one she’d only seen twice. It was a limited edition, which meant only very few had it yet, and the two. times she’d seen it, it was on Lincoln – Paul’s brother.
Sylvie remembered back then that Westley had told her Lincoln had to pay a huge sum of money to acquire the watch since it was limited. Even at the hospital when he visited Westley, he had it on. And from all the times she’s known Paul, he didn’t
own one.
Sylvie’s brows furrowed. Was that Lincoln’s watch?
Like a veil had been taken off her face, the car in the lot suddenly made sense. Now she understood why it looked so familiar. It belonged to Lincoln. She had seen with him it a number of times.
Confusion settled in. Was Lincoln around? Was he the ‘guest’?
If he was, it was understandable because he was Evelyn’s brother in-law and perhaps, he was coming around to check up on her and the kids—although the kids weren’t home. But it ‘shouldn’t’ mean anything. So, why was Evelyn acting so nervous about it?
An uneasy feeling settled in Sylvie’s guts, she couldn’t pay attention to the rest of the things Evelyn said until she rounded
“Sylvie?” Her attention was snapped back. “Are…are you okay? It seems you zoned out or something.”
“Yeah,” Sylvie itched her brows. “Sorry, I was listening. I was just thinking of the possibilities.”
“Okay. So, I think we should consider…” Evelyn went on and on, with Sylvie doing all she could
pay attention.


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