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Nine months too late: After divorce by Baby Charlene novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91
After thinking of the perfect way to begin her enquires, Sylvie came up with one that was a have a lot of options.
a little ridiculous. But she didn’t
She pulled over in front of the school, then waited in the car until the bell rang and the kids came trooping out.
She was taking a huge risk-she knew. But if it worked out, the risk would be worth it.
She left the car, scouring her eyes over the place and feeling relieved the moment she saw them-Lily and Cora.
They were both carrying their backpacks with Lily holding Cora’s hand as they hopped out of the building, heading for the central Pack to wait for their mum with the other kids.
This was Sylvie’s chance.
She went over, approaching them before they reached the park
“Hey, pumpkins!” She waved at them, wearing her bright smile
The girls’ eyes beamed upon seeing her. “Aunty Sylvie!”
Sylvie didn’t look suspicious for any of the staff around to stop her. She was a heavily pregnant woman decently dressed in a pair of jeans and black shirt. Who could suspect someone like her?
How was school today?” Sylvie stroke Cora’s hair.
“It was fine.”
“Did you come with mummy?” Lily asked, looking behind her.
Sylvie stuttered for a second before getting the words out. “No. And actually, your mum doesn’t need to know I was here.”
God, she hated that she was doing this to Evelyn’s kids, but she didn’t have a choice. Since her conversation with Westley three days ago, she’s been restless.
“You see, myself and some other friends of your mum are planning a little surprise for her,” she continued calmly as she led them to a seat in the park.
They found an empty spot where she sat in the middle. “But to achieve that, there are certain things we must know. You see, it’s an adult thing. So, I don’t expect you to understand much, which is why I’m not going to explain further, but we want to help her heal from the loss of your dad. Do you understand what I mean?”
Guilt stabbed Sylvie hard in the chest. For God’s sake, she shouldn’t be bringing up such sensitive topic!
Lily and Cora were just six and four. Hopefully, they were young enough to fall for her lies.
They bobbed their heads.
“Good,” Sylvie smiled. “So, I have a few questions. Has your uncle Lincoln been frequenting your place?” She looked around for any sign of Evelyn.
This was really risky. If Evelyn were to walk up to her questioning her kids, in their school without her knowledge, it’d mean trouble. She really hoped some sort of delay would keep her away.
“Yes!” Cora answered before Lily could, her face bright with smiles. “Uncle Lincoln has been very nice to us. He visits everyday, bringing us gifts and snacks. He even takes us out sometimes and spends some nights with us.”

Sylvie’s eyes widened at the revelation. Lincoln sleeps at their place?
“Okay…” she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Your uncle seems really nice. Which is why he’s my friend as well. But..did he do this when your dad was alive?”
“No,” Lily shook her head. “Back then, he didn’t come to the house all the time.”
Sylvie nodded, a lump forming in her throat.
“And your mum…” she paused to take a deep breath. “I’m really sorry I have to ask this, but it’s very important for the process I told you about. Did mum and dad have any issues before he…you know, died?”
Their expressions turned sour. Sylvie’s heart skipped a beat, wondering if the question had been too sensitive.
“They use to be happy,” Lily muttered, staring down at the floor Then, one day, they started arguing. They fought all the time, and there was even a day dad left home for days. It didn’t take long before he-”
Sylvie gripped her hand, giving it a little squeeze. Oh, she coullet her get the word out.
But her stomach roiled from the information she’d just receiv The chips and chipotle sauce she had for lunch threatened to resurface.
Evelyn and Paul had major issues before his death. And now, this was happening. Oh, God.
Her heart raced beneath her skin.
Forcing herself to composure, she dipped her hand into her bag where she pulled out some candies.
“Here, I got these for you,” she tried to hide the tremor in her voice.
“Yeah!! Thank you!” Cora snatched two from her, while Lily took the rest.
“Thank you, aunt Sylvie.”
“It’s nothing. This is just to make sure you keep our meeting a secret, alright? Remember, if mum knows, the surprise will be ruined, and she won’t be happy. You wouldn’t want that to happen, right?”
They shook their heads.
“Good.” She rose from the seat. “Now, just wait for her, okay? You can tell her you got the candies yourself. Bye!”
Cora was already licking hers as Sylvie scurried off.
Once in her car, she released the tensed breath she’d been holding. She rested her head on the steering wheel, trying to piece the images together.
Was it possible Westley truly didn’t kill Paul and didn’t have anything planned against Kage like she’d thought? But, why would Evelyn lie to her? And why did it seem like she might be having some sort of relationship with Lincoln?
Something wasn’t right. But it didn’t make sense that Evelyn would lie to her and have, Westley arrested. Why did Westley have to get involved in it?
The entire drive home, Sylvie was disturbed and kept thinking of ways to complete the puzzle in her head. Her mind wouldn’t be at rest until she’s learned the truth.

Reaching home, all she wanted to do was spend a long time in the Jacuzzi. But when she stepped into the bedroom, she was met with a package on her bed.
Her brows furrowed. It was a white box with some rose petals scattered around.
She giggled. Kage was supposed to be at the office. Did he have someone do this even while he was away?
A smile spread across her face as she moved to the bed, picking up the box. Her eyes were nearly blinded by the light that came from it as soon as she opened it. What the hell?
It was pure diamond-a necklace that glittered and was the most beautiful Sylvie had ever seen.
“I can’t believe this,” she mumbled to herself, shaking her head.
When would Kage stop with the gifts? Maybe, not stop, but give it a break at least.
Just a week ago, he had gifted her a new car a Maybach Exclero like she actually needed it.
Now, it was this?

She smiled, running her fingers along the surface of the jewelery. It was truly beautiful.
The pendant was love-shaped, but it seemed openable.
She tried opening it, and a small gasp escaped her when she read the inscription hidden in it: ‘I own his heart.
Her cheeks turned pure pink. She giggled, covering her mouth with her palm.
Now, how sweet could he be?
Emma was asleep in the room, her head resting on the edge of the bed.
She felt a small movement on her forehead and tried to ignore it. But when the movement was persistent, she lifted her head and her eyes widened in shock at the sight before her.
“Lancelot!” She screamed, rising to her feet.
Her brother was awake! He was awake!
He’d been the one touching her with his finger, trying to get her attention.
“Doctor! Doctor!” She ran out of the room, calling.


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