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No longer a pushover (Noelle and Cedric) novel Chapter 165

Noelle said coldly, "To be accurate, you haven't been my brother for a long time."

"Do you want to sever ties with me?" Frank said.

"You've said that so many times. Have you forgotten?" she retorted.

Frank responded uneasily, "I said that in a fit of rage. I didn't mean it."

"I thought you meant it. You've got to honor your promises."

Noelle looked at Frank and Lucas. She said, "I never say things I don't mean in a fit of rage. See you around. Oh, that's not right. I hope I never see you again."

She looked extremely serious. Although she was pale, her eyes gleamed.

She turned around and saw Cedric standing with Frank. Cedric seemed proud of her. Alfred clapped and praised her. "Said like a true queen!"

When she saw them, Noelle relaxed.

She hadn't wanted to say all this. It made her seem like she cared about the Liddells. However, she had finally had enough when Frank contacted Cedric behind her back to force him to come to the hospital.

"Noelle, don't think you're all that just because you got good grades. You think you can leave the Liddells behind? Without us, you're nothing!"

Her words angered Lucas.

He hadn't thought that Noelle cared so much about them. Why hadn't she voiced this out in the past? He thought she didn't care.

Noelle turned around and said coldly, "Without me, your team can't even get into the finals. Is that it? Without me, is the app going to cancel their collaboration with you?"

Embarrassment flashed across Luca's eyes.

He couldn't rebut her. It was the truth.

Alfred stoked the fire by saying, "Without you, Noelle's grades have improved and she's become valedictorian. She's also a famous livestreamer now. Many teams have invited her to join them. Without you, she's doing better than ever."


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