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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 302

Chapter 302 Catelyn did, however, feel someone lifting her while she was still in a daze. She then felt someone cutting the sleeve off, and the wound on her arm burned in pain as the fabric grazed over it.

“Mmph!” Catelyn moaned faintly in pain as she frowned subconsciously. Her pale face was scrunched in agony, and her pale lips pursed tightly. Cedrick, with Catelyn still in his arms, straightened his back when he heard her pained moan and shot the female doctor, who was cleaning her wound, a sharp glare. “Didn’t you hear that? Can’t you be more gentle?” he growled.

The doctor shuddered and almost spilled all of the iodine on Catelyn’s wound.

The air in the room felt stifling and ominous.

The doctor knew that if Catelyn moaned again, Cedrick would throw her out of the window without a doubt. She thus squeezed out a smile as she said to Cedrick, “The wound had been left to bleed for a while, and the fabric was stuck on her wound, so we have to pull it off.” Cedrick looked away as he saw no point in talking to the doctor.

He then looked at Catelyn again, and his gaze immediately softened. Even his cold, sunken expression had softened by a great deal.

“Hurts…” Catelyn drawled feebly. Her lips were dry and had started to crack Cedrick leaned over and placed his lips on hers as he sucked on it gently. “Just a little bit more,” he uttered softly, “we’re almost done.”


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