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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Cedrick glared coldly at the doctor. “Why would she be on diet pills when she’s already so skinny?” uttered Cedrick coldly, and the air in the room became suffocating once more. The doctor did not respond.

Cedrick looked back at Catelyn once again.

He had never seen any sort of diet pill when he was over at her house, and on top of that, she had always been particular with her diet and her well-being. There was no need for any sort of diet pills at all.

In other words, Cedrick was certain that Catelyn had not been taking any laxatives. The other possibilities were that she had either taken it by mistake, or someone had poisoned her. Cedrick was the one who bought her breakfast that morning, and he ate the same thing as her as well, so it could not have been that.

The biggest possibility was…that someone bore ill intentions toward her. Granny Atherton frowned when she heard that Catelyn had taken laxatives, but what she was trying to understand more than anything was the relationships between Cedrick, Catelyn, and Edwin. Edwin seemed to care deeply about Catelyn, but… It seemed that Cedrick was closer and more intimate with Catelyn. “Eddy…”Granny Atherton called out to him and paused before asking, “What exactly is your relationship with Catelyn?” Edwin understood what his grandmother was trying to get at and shrugged. “It’s exactly what you saw.”

“Isn’t she your girlfriend?” Granny Atherton frowned.

“Since when have I ever had such a good girl as my girlfriend?” Edwin smirked and explained, “Catelyn has always been Ced’s, Grandma.” Granny Atherton felt oddly disappointed. She thought Edwin was pursuing Catelyn, seeing as how much he cared about her. Edwin, after all, was good in everything except for romantic relationships.

People had called him a player, but Granny Atherton knew that it was only because he had not met the right person. Granny Atherton looked at Edwin, annoyed, as she complained, “You’re always talking about Ced this, Ced that. I know you grew up together and are close friends, but look at him now-he even has a son now. When will you bring someone serious home?”


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