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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 511

“All right.” I nodded.

I was going to marry Sean soon. So many things happened before. Jessop Family didn’t have a good impression on me.

If I was late for changing clothes this time, it was not worth it.

I took Sean’s hand and went downstairs with him.

Because we came out early, there were not many cars on the road.

It was just 6:30 when we arrived.

There were a lot of people at home when we went in.

Simon, Monica and James were all around Lester.

Lester was just six and smart. He could answer questions like an adult.

They looked at me as we went in. James straightened up and said with a smile, “here you are.”

“Hello, Grandpa Jessop.”

After I said hello to James, I said to Simon and Monica, “Hi, Uncle, Auntie."

Now my relationship with Sean was uncertain.

I couldn’t call them Mom and Dad.

Monica smiled and said, “you’re welcome. Sit down and don’t be tired.”

She offered her seat to me.

Simon was smiling, too.

Their attitude reassured me.

Before we came, I was afraid that they didn’t like me.

Maybe because of Lester, they didn’t want to embarrass me.

Lester stood up and ran to me and said, “Mom, I’ll help you.”

“Thank you, Lester.” I thanked him.

When I sat down, Monica said, “Lester is a kid, but he’s very sensible. He’s much better than Sean.”

“Because Mom has my little sister in her stomach. I’m going to be a brother. Mom said that brothers have to protect sisters! I’m protecting my sister by helping Mom!” Lester said.

James laughed. “Yes, Lester is right.”

Simon looked at my stomach and looked up and asked Sean, “when do you want to have the wedding ceremony? Is it when your legs are fully recovered?”

“Let the baby be born first.” Monica said, “Becky is wearing the wedding dress for the first time. Which woman wants to wear the wedding dress with a big belly?”

I gave Monica a grateful look.

I really wore a wedding dress for the first time, except when I was in the manor.

Sean nodded, “yes, the doctor said I could walk normally in a short time.”

“Are you sure?” Simon was worried.

“Yes, don’t worry. I’m sure.” Sean said firmly.

I looked at him and was a little worried. After all, Sean’s legs, according to the current situation, were not very good.

Even in half a year, he may not be able to walk.

He would definitely need support at the wedding.

But we would have our wedding ceremony six months later. There was no point in thinking now.

Monica looked at my stomach and asked, “is it really a daughter?”

I nodded. “Yes, I went to get the test results today. It’s really a daughter.”

“Good!” James was overjoyed. “We haven’t had a little girl in our family for a long time!”

Frankly, the only junior in the family was Sean.

Michelle didn’t remarry or have children since her last divorce.

Chapter 511 Bring a young boyfriend back 1


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