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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 512

Simon looked angry.

Sean put his arms around me. “You seem to be particularly interested in Jessop Family. Every time we have some disputes, you are eager to help. Now you have seduced my aunt.”

“No.” Ward put Michelle in his arms and said, “Michelle and I really love each other.”


I was speechless.

I believed in love, but their ages were too different.

Michelle was Sean’s aunt. She wasn’t ugly, but she was old and had unpleasant experiences and she became mean.

Ward was women’s dream from any angle. He was not poor and could get any kind of woman.

It was true that he couldn’t like Michelle.

No wonder James was angry.

Michelle said coldly, “I’ve been single for many years. It’s hard for me to find a man I like. You are my family, but you do not bless me and satirize us.”

“Michelle, don’t be angry.” Ward said softly, “your father may think I want your property. We can make a prenuptial agreement. If we divorce, I don’t want your money.”

Simon’s face softened.

But James was more angry. He stood up and pointed at them and asked, “are you going to get married? You’re 52 years old! What about him? He’s only 30, isn’t he? You want to get married? Jessop Family’s face will be lost by you!”

Michelle listened to him and took a few steps forward and said coldly, “did I disgrace Jessop Family?”

She pointed to Sean and me, “it’s this woman! Ming and Sean competed for her and became famous in York and even the whole country!

What did I do? I just want to marry a man 20 years younger than me!”

She seemed to want to annoy James. She said to Ward, “why do we have to make a prenuptial agreement? I will give him my money. No one can control me!”

When Michelle finished, I saw a smile in Ward’s eyes.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised.

“OK! It doesn’t matter if you give it all to him. From today on, you are not my daughter!” James slapped the table angrily.


Michelle was stubborn. She turned around and pulled Ward out.

When they went out, I found that James was not looking right. I immediately stood up, “Grandpa Jessop.”

I shouted and went to James.

Before I got there, James fell forward!




When James fell, everyone came together.

Because of our previous experience, we had James lie on his back and I called 911.

Michelle and Ward didn’t leave.

They stood at the door.

Chapter 512 Auntie, do you think I really love you 1


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