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President's Substitute Wife novel Chapter 514

Her makeup was stained with her tears. It was only one night, but she looked a lot older.

She looked at us and asked, “how’s Dad?”

“The operation is successful.” Sean replied, but he was cold.

Michelle breathed a sigh of relief and said, “thank God.”

With that, she turned and wanted to leave.

Sean looked at her and said, “Auntie, you don’t have to blame yourself. Ward took advantage of you.”

“I’m stupid.” Michelle turned her back to us and looked down. “I knew it was impossible for such a handsome, excellent and young man to love me, but I thought there was little possibility.”

She didn’t go on and left with her head down.

I was a little worried. “Will something happen to your aunt?”

“Don’t worry. She’s good at self-regulation.” He patted me on the shoulder. “Take a break. You stayed up all night.”

“It’s okay. I’m not tired. Let’s visit Grandpa Jessop first.” I insisted.

Sean didn’t force me.

James did get out of danger, but he couldn’t even get out of bed.

After his health improved, we visited him.

Sean told James about Ward. He sighed. “His grandfather was stubborn. I didn’t expect them to be the same.”

“It’s all over.” Sean said.

James was watching Sean. There was noise behind us. He looked behind us and shouted, “Ming.”

I turned my head, too.

Ming was standing at the door.

He pushed the wheelchair for Marcia.

Marcia was in a wheelchair and covered in a blanket. She had a hat on her head and no hair. She was bony and had tape on the back of her hand.

Marcia said respectfully to James, “Uncle Jessop, long time no see.”

Seeing Marcia, James seemed to understand something. He said with a smile, “Marcia, long time no see. I’m glad to see you.”

“Me too.” Marcia replied.

Ming pushed Marcia in and said to James, “Dad, Marcia and I are getting married.”

“Good.” James heard the news and didn’t object.

He smiled with relief.

He reached out. Ming immediately pushed Marcia in front of him. James took Marcia’s hand and said, “I’ve been waiting for this day for decades. Fortunately, I succeeded.”

We stayed in the ward with Ming for a while. James was on treatment, so the four of us came out together.

When we got out, Marcia said, “Miss Jones, are you getting married?”

I touched my stomach. “We have to wait for a while and maybe until the baby is born.”

Marcia nodded. “Actually, I made two wedding dresses for you. The other one is in my studio. You can go to Paula when you’re going to get married.”

I left the last wedding dress Marcia made for me at Sean’s house.

I was a little shy. “You’re so kind.”

Marcia smiled. “You look beautiful in your wedding dress. We will be one family later. You are welcome.”

“Thank you.” When I finished, I looked up and asked Ming, “Marcia’s condition...”

“It’s getting better.” Ming answered.

I was relieved to hear that.

We left the ward together.

Chapter 514 Suspected illegal imprisonment 1

Chapter 514 Suspected illegal imprisonment 2


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