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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 


Isabella’s eyes widened, and she promptly began trying to push Seth away. 

Yet, he deftly caught hold of her hands as they pressed against his chest, 

swiftly restraining them behind her back. 



He was very strong, and he was rushing through the kiss. It felt like he wanted 

to swallow her whole. 

She tried to turn her face away to escape the rough kiss, but there was no 

way for her to do so as he had grabbed her tightly by the jaw. 


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Chapter 119 What Will You Do When I’m 30? 

Her voice came out in gasps through the tiny gaps between their lips. The 

temperature of the room swiftly rose. 

Suddenly, Seth snapped his eyes open and stared into Isabella’s eyes. 

In contrast to her frantic gaze, his eyes were calm. 


After he took one look at her, he swiftly adjusted his hand from her jaw to 

shield her eyes and the upper part of her face. The sudden darkness left her 

momentarily bewildered. After some contemplation, she grasped his 

intention-he wished to avoid seeing her injured face and the dark circles 

beneath her eyes. The audacious rogue had the nerve to press for a kiss 

while lamenting about her appearance! 

Isabella’s anger soon overwhelmed her, filling her with another wave of 

courage. She took a deep breath as she planned her next move of fiercely 

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Chapter 119 What Will You Do When I’m 30? 

chomping down on Seth’s lips. However, just as she was about to make her 

move, he instantly understood what she was going to do, and the hand 

covering her eyes shifted down to pinch her cheeks. 



She had bitten down hard, but she had not bitten him. Instead, she had bitten 

down on her cheeks. The pain caused tears to swell in her eyes. 

After Seth had boldly tasted what he wanted from Isabella’s lips, he did not 

hesitate before he started peppering her cheeks with kisses. His lips traveled 

up from her cheeks to the corners of her eyes. 

It was probably the taste of her tears that made him graciously stop his 


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Chapter 119 What Will You Do When I’m 307 


Her mind was completely blank. All she knew to do was loudly gasp and pant. 

As she tried to catch her breath, she choked on air and coughed hard. 

He licked his lips to savor the taste of her before addressing the top of her 

head. “Will you sign now?” 

She was rendered speechless. 

Emotions warred within her. She did not want to sign the contract, yet she did 

not want to act like she had a death wish again. 

“Mr. Shaffer, I…” 

Seth did not want to beat around the bust again, so he interrupted Isabella 

by declaring, “If you act shy one more time, I’ll have you right here and now. 

We’ll continue talking after the deed.” 

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Chapter 119 What Will You Do When I’m 30? 

Her entire body was tightly wound up from the mix of embarrassment and 

rage she felt. There was no escape for her. All she could do was panic in 


minute ways. 

He leaned down and straightened out her messy shirt, acting like he was a 

completely different person from the man from a few seconds ago. 

“No matter how hard you work, it’s impossible for you to earn 150 million in 

five years.” His voice was calm without a hint of mockery. In fact, he sounded 

like a bystander advising her. “If you sign the contract, the money will be 

transferred to your bank account. You can do whatever you want then, right?” 

Isabella’s mind was a mess. As she had yet to gather her composure, it was 

inevitable for her to be swayed by Seth’s words. 

He was not wrong. Even if she worked every single minute of the day, she 

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Chapter 119 What Will You Do When I’m 30? 

could never earn 150 million in five years. However, that would not be the 

case if she signed. 

In an instant, memories of a distant conversation resurfaced-150 million to 


end the pregnancy. A chill ran down her spine as she lifted her head to meet 

his gaze. 

“In five more years, I’ll be 30. What do you plan to do then, Mr. Shaffer?” 

Mystified by her abrupt question, Seth casually replied, “That’s your business. 

You can do whatever you want then.” 


While Isabella laughing on the inside, her body actually slumped 

backward as strength fled her. 

“What if…” 

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Chapter 119 What Will You Do When I’m 307 

She was just about to ask what if she got pregnant during the contract, but 


the words faded away as they reached the tip of her tongue. Would it not be 

foolish of her to ask that? 

He would definitely tell her that abortion existed. 

“Enough with the chatter. Are you going to sign?” 

Seth had spent too much time with Isabella already. Now that he had 


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