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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120 


“Behave and stay here. Do not pull any tricks,” Seth commanded before 

quickly exiting the room. 


Isabella was lost as she did not know what had happened. Just as she 

contemplated making a quick exit from the room, the vigilant guard at the 

door astutely anticipated her intentions. With a rather “courteous” gesture, he 

gently pushed her back. 

She frantically paced around the room. When she calmed down enough to 

think of calling Natasha, she discovered that her phone had no network 

connection whatsoever. 

As she paced, she occasionally glanced at the papers on the floor. Her fury 

could not be suppressed at all once it had been sparked to life. She would 


Chapter 120 Inexplicably Released 


have thrown and smashed something if not for how luxurious and expensive 

the decor was. 

Isabella did not know how much time had passed. Seth never returned. The 

men outside did not seem like they would let her leave either. 

She had checked every nook and cranny in the room. There was not a single 

gap she could use to escape through. The moment she opened the window, 

a bright red light would shine on her face, causing her eyes to hurt from the 

strain of looking at it. 

Just where on earth was she? Why did this place look like something out of a 

horror movie? 

As she cursed Seth out under her breath, the door suddenly slammed open. 

She froze and confusedly stared at the man who had suddenly appeared in 

10:27 Mon, 1 Jan 0. 

Chapter 125 inexplicably als 

the room. “…” 


Jordan did not wait for Isabella to finish her sentence and turned to gesture 

for her to walk to the door. “This way, Miss Symons.” 

She was absolutely confused, “What?” 

“It is not suitable for you to be here now. If you like this place, you may ask Mr. 

Shaffer to bring you over next time.” He tried his best to sound polite so that 

he did not hurt her feelings at all. 

Her eyes widened with shocked glee. “Am I free to go?” 

There was a complicated look on his face as though he did not understand 

her at all. “Yes, Please hurry.” 

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Chapter 120 Inexplicably Released 


Without a moment of hesitation, she dashed out of the room. She had even 

forgotten all about her sunglasses. 

Jordan was stunned. When he finally snapped out of it, he hurried after 

Isabella. “This way, Miss Symons.” 

She did not care where he wanted her to go as long as it meant she could 


She followed him out through the garden in the back. They kept walking 

faster and faster as though in fear of Seth suddenly returning. 

As the car she had boarded smoothly pulled away into the quiet night, she 

released the breath she had been holding. 

The driver did not ask her where she wanted to go and drove straight toward 


Chapter 120 Inexplicably Released 

Natasha’s place. 

“Things might be rather chaotic for the next two days. For your safety, you 

had the best stay with Miss Mills.” 


That was the warning Jordan gave before Isabella could step out of the car. 

She dazedly stepped out, still confused by Seth’s actions. First, he captured 

her. Then, he released her. 

He was both a good cop and a bad cop now. 

She was in no hurry to head into Natasha’s home. Instead, she stuck to the 

car door to ask Jordan, “Can you tell me what Mr. Shaffer’s exact orders 


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Chapter 120 Inexplicably Released 

Behind the sunglasses and emotionless face, Jordan was giving her the 


“He said nothing.” 



Isabella was shocked. “Do you mean to say you set me free against orders?” 

He found her question rather confusing. Thus, he gave into the urge to grab 

the car door she was holding to and tugged it out of her grip. 

With a loud bang, the door slammed shut before the car drove off into the 


She stood there with a mind filled with questions and shock. 

Her mind was still stuck in a dazed state as she walked to Natasha’s home 

Chapter 120 Inexplicably Iteleasmid 

and knocked on the door. It still fell like Seth was standing behind her since 

she kept feeling chills running down her back. 

When Natasha opened the door, she found Isabella glancing behind her with 

a panicked look on her face. 

Natasha instinctively thought something bad must have happened, so she 

hurriedly dragged Isabella into her home. 

Isabella only fully accepted her escape from the estate when she stopped 

into Natasha’s hope. She swiftly sat down on the couch and let out a long 


As Natasha was worried Isabella might be in trouble, she waited a long while 

before asking Isabella what happened. 

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Chapter 120 Inexplicably Released 



“You set Lara up and used the power of the Shaffer Family to get rid of Louis?” 

Natasha shrieked. 

The first half of the story was enough to make her shoot to her feet while she 

stared at Isabella in shock. 

“Yes…” Isabella covered her eyes as her head pounded. 

In awe of what Isabella did, Natasha let out a few curses before she was filled 


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