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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 

Angelina sat down and began taunting Isabella, “I told you that you couldn’t 

keep your job as head secretary just by sleeping with men.” 

Isabella had been facing numerous obstacles lately. She wasn’t even fazed 

when Angelina openly confronted her. “Oh, so you’re a fortune teller. 

Congratulations.” She raised her hands and clapped casually. 

The look in Angelina’s eyes turned icy. With disgust, she said, “You have no 



“And that’s none of your business.” Isabella stopped clapping and placed her 

hands on the edge of the table. She calmly looked at Angelina and adopted 

a more arrogant expression. “Your job is to question. Lecturing me is not part 

of it. There’s a surveillance camera in this room, so I can sue you for personal 


“Don’t give me that nonsense.” Angelina sneered. Confident that Isabella was 

only pretending, she said, “A worthless person like Selena stole your job, and 

you think you can talk to me as if you’re superior?” 


Isabella tapped her fingers on the table and smiled. “Stole?” She pulled her 


hands back and crossed her arms, then leaned back. “And what makes you- 

think she stole it from me?” 

“Don’t tell me you gave it to her,” Angelina mocked, refusing to fall into 

Isabella’s trap. 

Isabella tilted her head and rested her chin on her hand. “If she could steal 

my job, then why did Mr. Shaffer carry me on his back?” 

Angelina froze for a moment. She was reminded of what the other 

secretaries had said, and she felt a little uncertain. Before she entered, Jason 

had told her not to go too far, but Angelina disregarded all reason the 

moment she saw Isabella. All she wanted to do was humiliate her former 


Since Angelina fell silent, Isabella had no interest in talking too much. “Your 

job is to question. Shouldn’t you start now?” 

Annoyed that she couldn’t insult Isabella, Angelina angrily pulled out her 

notebook. “What kind of relationship do you have with Jonas?” 


“Not a close one. He’s my boss.” 

“Not a close one?” Angelina sneered. “He took you on a business trip alone 

with him, and even after you stole nearly 75 grand worth of sales from him, 

he remained silent.” 

Isabella sat up straighter. “You got one thing wrong. I didn’t steal the sales.” 


Angelina rolled her eyes and retorted, “Don’t tell me he gave them to you for 


Isabella shrugged nonchalantly. “Good guess. He did give them to me for 


“Isabella!” Angelina slammed her notebook on the table and warned, “Just 

because you have a special relationship with Mr. Shaffer doesn’t mean you 

can say whatever you want. We’re not suing you only because you 

contributed to the company. Otherwise, you would be facing the police right 

now. This crime involves 75 grand.” 

Isabella wasn’t scared at all. “If you can sue me, go ahead.” 

Angelina’s eyes widened, her sunken eyes looking even more droopy, and 

she appeared crueler than ever. Isabella was amused. The more Angelina 

wanted to get her in trouble, the calmer she became. The last remnants of 

her fear were gone. 


Angelina warned, “You can remain silent, but the results of the investigation 

won’t change. You won’t get away with this.” 

Isabella’s smile faded away. She stared into Angelina’s eyes and explained, 

“First, I did go on a business trip with Jonas, but that was punishment for 

being dead last in the sales department. Second, I got credited for the sales 

for reasons I don’t know. I never claimed them.” She leaned back in her chair 

and emphasized, “You have a grudge against me. By all accounts, you have 

no right to question me. I didn’t bring up that conflict of interest for your sake. 

Now, why don’t we both take a step back? You do your job fairly, and I’ll be 

honest. It makes it easier for both of us.” 

Angelina couldn’t believe Isabella could remain so calm even in this situation. 

They used to be colleagues, and Angelina remembered that five years ago, 

Isabella wasn’t this confident. She tightly held her pen, the jealousy in her 

heart burning through her soul, unable to be contained. “And I’m using this 


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