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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 

Angelina noticed that Isabella was in a lot of pain. She saw the sweat on 

Isabella’s forehead and couldn’t help but snort. She grabbed her notebook 

and said, “Fine, I’ll find someone else.” She stormed out of the room and 

slammed the door shut. 

Once Isabella was sure that Angelina had left, she slowly opened her eyes, 

trembling. The small movements she made earlier caused pain in her 

wounded legs, almost unbearable. Isabella must have noticed. Her leaving 

now is obviously a ploy to leave me hanging. 


Isabella barely had anything for breakfast and skipped lunch. It had been 

almost fifteen hours since her last proper meal. At this rate, she would break. 

Isabella hung her head low, resting it on the table as she tried to come up 

with an escape plan. Eventually, she devised a plan and texted a couple of 

people, including Nicolas and Natasha. 

Nicolas had helped her investigate Jonas’ spy before, and Natasha could 

assist her in dealing with that spy. All she could do now was wait-for news 

from Natasha and for Angelina to lose patience. Time was ticking. Eventually, 


under the weight of hunger and exhaustion, Isabella’s head began to spin. 


Due to Angelina’s orders, the people outside didn’t even give Isabella a glass 

of water. Isabella’s eyes were closed. She felt a bit drowsy, but her mind was 

clear. A few memories flashed through her mind. A few hours ago, Seth had 

bent down and carried her on his back. He had done more intimate things to 

her, but he had never carried her like that before. 

Isabella’s heart fluttered whenever she saw him, but she never felt secure 

around him. Until a few hours ago, that is. My mind must be playing tricks on 

me due to exhaustion. That’s why I’m having these strange feelings. Isabella 

shook her head, feeling her thoughts jumble. She quickly stopped and took a 

few deep breaths. She pushed Seth’s face out of her mind and counted 

silently. I hope I actually faint. Those guys outside will be so shocked. Too bad 

I’m not a good actress, or I could pretend to faint. 

Isabella closed her eyes, smiling bitterly and sighing from time to time. She 

almost seemed manic. Behind the screen, Seth observed her actions. He 

frowned and threw the document he was holding to Nicolas. “Did she text 


Nicolas froze, a hint of panic in his eyes as he tried to explain. 

Seth didn’t give him a chance. Confidently, he said, “Your phone buzzed right 

after she sent that text.” 

Nicolas couldn’t say anything. He opened his mouth and reluctantly 

explained, “Sir, she just wanted me to investigate the person who dealt with 

her and Jonas’ sales. Nothing else.” 

Seth remained silent. He lazily pulled out another document. “Why do you 

listen to her so much? Is she your mother?” 

Nicolas was speechless. 

“We hired you to create value for us, not to be an errand boy for unrelated 

people.” Seth signed his name on the document and threw his pen away. He 

was lost in thought, but he looked sharply at Nicolas. “Well, why are you still 

standing there?” 


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