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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 



Isabella had underestimated Angelina’s determination. She had been left 

waiting in the conference room the entire afternoon. While everyone else was 

slowly leaving work, Angelina still hadn’t shown up. Isabella’s stamina was 

reaching its limit, and with the wounds on her legs, simply standing up was a 

challenge. If I have to… 

Isabella considered using her dangerous backup plan, but she quickly 

dismissed the idea. That’s too risky. It would be bad if I can’t handle it. With 

trembling fingers, she turned on her phone and checked the time. It was 

six-thirty in the evening. Everything was becoming blurry, and she could 

barely see the time clearly. 

She resisted her dizziness and tried calling the number Nicolas had given her, 

but she couldn’t reach Jason. He was always on another call, and eventually, 

he turned off his phone. Isabella scoffed. I know what he’s thinking. He doesn’t 

want to take sides between his boss and me, the former head secretary with 

complex connections. But he won’t get away with this just because he’s not 

choosing a side. 


She stopped making calls and instead sent a text to Jason’s emergency 


contact. White-collar workers like Jason usually set their second SIM card as 

their emergency contact. He will see the message. After that, Isabella found 

a comfortable position and leaned back in the chair to sleep. Five minutes 

later, her phone rang. It was Jason. Deadpan, Isabella hung up and closed 

her eyes. 

If she was right, someone would show up in fifteen minutes. She counted the 

time in her mind. Less than two minutes later, she heard the sound of heels 

approaching from outside. Isabella opened her eyes and composed herself. 

She slowly sat up and looked towards the entrance. 

The door swung open. Angelina had changed into her tracksuit, clearly ready 

to leave. “Sorry, I was too busy. I couldn’t find anyone to come and question 


Isabella watched as Angelina put on a show. She calmly looked at Angelina 

as if she were a clown, “Your methods are underhanded,” she said calmly, her 

tone more sardonic than sarcastic. There was disdain and scorn in her voice. 

She saw through Angelina easily. 

Angelina shrugged and pulled out a chair. She sat down in front of Isabella, 

showing no guilt. “You told me to find someone else. I didn’t want to leave you 


Isabella crossed her arms and leaned forward. “You live in Hencher 

Residence, right?” 

Angelina wondered why Isabella was asking that question. 

Isabella chuckled quietly. “Be careful when you’re going home at night.” 

Angelina froze, but then she realized what was happening and clicked her 

tongue. “Are you threatening me?” 

“You’re overthinking it.” Isabella shrugged, still as nonchalant as before, but 

she was as pale as a sheet. 

“Don’t even try to play any tricks here. It’s useless.” Angelina crossed her arms 

and legs. When she saw how pale Isabella was, she felt much better. “You 

think Mr. Shaffer will get rid of me for you? He doesn’t bring personal affairs 

into the workplace.” 

Isabella licked her lips and rested her chin on her hand. “How can you be so 

sure he won’t?” She tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow, her 

eyes gleaming. “After all, you had to request a transfer because you crossed 


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