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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Isabella held her phone, waiting for Simon’s reply, but it remained silent for a

long time. Eventually, she received a series of messages.


‘What kind of message was that?’

‘Happy Youth Day?!’

Simon was a gentleman. Isabella had spoken to him a few times, but he

never used exclamation marks when he spoke. She froze for a moment and

quickly sat up. Hastily, she replied, ‘Yeah, I checked the calendar. That’s the

only special occasion this season. Not like Mr. Shaffer’s going to see the




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Isabella felt a little troubled. She thought sending a message was just a

formality. Seth wouldn’t look at it, so she wished him a happy Youth Day. She

felt relieved it wasn’t Father’s Day, or it would be strange to write Happy

Father’s Day to him.

Simon didn’t reply. She wondered why. Isabella looked at the time; it was

almost eleven. She sighed, still unable to figure out what Seth was feeling.

Forget it. I did what I could. The rest depends on how forgiving Mr. Shaffer

wants to be. She tucked her phone away and was about to freshen up. She

had just gotten up when her phone started buzzing. It wasn’t Simon, but an

unknown number. Isabella knew right away who it was. It had to be Mandy.




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The call connected. Sweetly, Mandy said, “It’s been a while, Isabella.”


Isabella wondered why Mandy called, and after a second, she realized why. A

little more seriously, she went to her study. “I was just about to tell you

something, and you called.”

Mandy smiled. “Oh, good. Great minds think alike.”

Isabella took a deep breath. She entered her study and sat behind her

computer desk. “Tell me about the situation on your end.”


Back at the beach, there was silence, and then everyone burst into laughter.



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Chapter 164 A Fool And Her Money

Dariel was laughing exaggeratedly. He was bent over as he spoke. “My God,

this is genius.”

“The girl has money and is naive. Man, what a riot. Where did you find her,

Seth? Are you sure you want this girl?”

“Why do you ask?” Dariel stopped smiling and looked at the tense Seth. He

teased Leonard, “Do you want her?”


Leonard didn’t bother to hide his interest. He put his hands in his pockets and

looked at Seth. “If Seth doesn’t want her, I’ll try to win her over.”


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