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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165


Leonard was dumbfounded when he heard that she could use his card even

though she wasn’t his girlfriend. He turned to Simon and Dariel for answers.

Simon smiled silently while Dariel clicked his tongue. “You see? He knows how

to have fun better than you.”

Disappointed, Leonard waved his hands. “I learned something new today.”

Seth listened to their teasing and joking, but he remained silent. He only had

some wine and a bit of fruit. Since they couldn’t get any gossip, everyone

stopped talking and went indoors to have fun. Everyone left, except for Dariel,

Simon, and Seth. Dariel and Simon were seated across from Seth.

Dariel went over to Seth and put an arm around his shoulder. “You don’t look


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Seth frowned and smacked Dariel’s hand away. “Get away from me.”

“Did Isabella annoy you?” Simon moved closer. He said, “When she called me,

she sounded scared.”

“Scared? Her?” Seth scoffed, feeling anger rise within him. It was as if he could

still smell the scent of today’s breakfast. Darkly, he said, “She’s so bold, she

can be a new font.”

Simon smiled resignedly. Dariel sensed gossip and put his arm around Seth’s

shoulder again. “She didn’t annoy you. You’re the one who can’t get enough

of her, can you?”

Seth’s lips curled downward, and he shot Dariel a look. “Shut your mouth.”


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Dariel clicked his tongue. “Oh, hit the nail on the head.” He moved closer, a

knowing gaze in his eyes. “So, tell me, how did you do it? Step by step. I’ll see

what went wrong.”

Seth pursed his lips. He was reminded of the conversation he had with

Isabella the night before.

Back at Isabella’s place, Mandy sent her a ton of documents, all of them

evidence regarding someone’s crimes. Isabella went through them, and her

heart skipped a beat. How audacious of them.

Mandy said, “The car costs around 7,000 dollars, but the accounts recorded it

as 15,000 dollars and above. The difference went into Mr. Lime’s pockets.”



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Isabella asked, “How could the cars be so cheap?”

“You’ll have to ask Mr. Stokes about that.”

Isabella was reminded of the messages she saw on Jonas’ phone, and the

spark of inspiration returned. She leaned back in her chair, swinging back and

forth, thinking of a way out.

Mandy said again, “If you want the truth, maybe you can talk to Nemotors’

top management.”

Isabella hesitated. She only wanted to teach Jonas a lesson, not get involved

in a big mess. If she interfered with someone making money, she might end


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