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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62



The young heiress sat on the couch with her legs elegantly crossed. She was

wearing a red dress and exuded confidence and grace. There was a cup of

coffee in front of her. Yet, she merely touched the cup and did not bother to

take a sip. She was obviously disdainful of the instant coffee served in such


Isabella was rooted to the stop and momentarily taken aback. The person in

her plan was unexpectedly right in front of her.

“Miss Shaffer?”

Lara had delicate features. So, she was an antithesis to Seth’s coldness as

her beauty was as fiery as the dress she was wearing today. Perhaps this

was due to her mother, who was a famous singer. As a result, she was born

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Chapter 62 Honey or Poison

extraordinary and looked even more exceptional up close. Every move she

made exuded charm and nobility.


“I heard from Summer that you’re here. So, I decided to visit you when i

happened to pass by.”

Isabella couldn’t help but find that excuse suspicious. She never had any

contact with Lara prior to this. If anything, they weren’t on good terms at all.

She still remembered that they had gotten into a dispute at Seth’s office two

years ago. At that time, Isabella only had Seth in her heart and mind. So, she

forced herself to intervene and prevent Lara from using the company seal to

approve a contract worth 3 million.

There was a longstanding grudge between them. Isabella still remembered

the burning sensation on her face.

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Chapter 62 Honey or Poison


“Miss Shaffer, you’re too kind.” Isabella shelved the memories and stood at a

distance. “You’re a busy person. It’s a waste of your time to come and visit



“You’re not just an ordinary person.” Lara raised an eyebrow. Amidst her

beauty, there was a hint of calculation. She regarded Isabella carefully and

said, “Seth truly is an unreasonable man. How can he leave a talent like you

here? Doesn’t he care about you at all?”

Although Lara was Seth’s aunt, she wasn’t Jeremy Shaffer’s biological sister.

Instead, she was the illegitimate daughter of Spencer Shaffer and a young

female celebrity. Back then, Spencer only married her mother for the sake of

his career and reputation. Thus, Lara was only two years younger than Seth. It

was actually quite funny for Isabella to hear her call Seth by his name,

especially when the woman would pull seniority each and every time she did

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Chapter 62 Honey or Poison


“I’m just a simple employee. The Shaffer Group has plenty of talents working

under them. I’m sure they won’t miss me.” Isabella’s tone was modest,

refusing to play along with Lara.


Lara’s smile deepened. Then, she opened her purse and whisked out a

business card.

“He might be willing to let you go, but I’m not. Fortunately, I’ve just partnered

with a friend to start a talent agency. Why don’t you join me?”

This was a straightforward attempt to poach her. Abigail and Alex, who were

standing nearby, couldn’t help but glance at Isabella’s face. Even the

employees who dared not approach had started to whisper amongst

themselves. They couldn’t help but feel vindicated as they had all assumed

that Isabella was merely here to experience what it was like to be working.

from the bottom of the rung. That being the case, it would be easy for her to

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Chapter 62 Honey or Poison

shoot up the ladder if she so wished.


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