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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63




Isabella made all the necessary preparations by mid-afternoon. She was

pondering where to spend her evening when Gordon came a-calling.

Just then, she remembered owing him a meal. Why don’t I settle it tonight?

After all, she couldn’t think of anywhere else to go.


“Weren’t you supposed to treat me to dinner as soon as you got back?”

Gordon’s tone held a hint of complaint. It resembled a child reproaching an

elder in grievance. He sounded much cuter than he actually was.

Isabella activated the hands-free function and packed her things while

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Chapter 63 Inviting Him to Dinner

saying, “Let’s meet at The Red House. I’ll treat you to dinner there.”


“The Red House?” he exclaimed. “Have I been wrong all this while? Are you

actually wealthy?”


The Red House was a renowned private restaurant in Imperia. This restaurant

was owned by Courtney Cline, who was a prominent socialite. It was very

challenging to get a table there.

Isabella sighed as she replied, “Mr. Dunkstein, I’m worried other places won’t

meet your standards. So, I’ll have to bite the bullet and splurge.”

Gordon chuckled in amusement as he walked and talked, “All right, I’ll be

there soon. Just wait for me once you arrive.”

Isabella agreed and hung up.


Chapter 63 Inviting Him to Dinner


There were only a few people left in the office. Abigail was sitting at her desk,

and she looked troubled. As she saw Isabella leaving, she immediately

propped her chin with her hands.

“Isabella, you’re so lucky. Are you going out to dinner with a handsome guy


Isabella smirked at her and walked out without a word.

It was beyond difficult to secure a booking at The Red House. If she didn’t

have the platinum card that Seth had given her in passing, she wouldn’t have

considered inviting Gordon to such a place.

As the sun set and the city lights came on, she finally made it to The Red

House around 7.00PM, which was the perfect time for dinner.

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Chapter 63 Inviting Him to Dinner



Just as she had taken a few steps forward, a red Ferrari parked not far away

flashed its lights in her direction.

Isabella shielded her eyes from the light and squinted to identify the owner. It

was Gordon.

He had probably just freshened up. His hair was slicked back into a high quiff,

and his sparkling earring added a touch of glamor, enhancing his playboy

image. He looked precisely like the kind of bad boy young girls loved.

“You’re here to see me, yet you didn’t even change your clothes?” Gordon

strode toward her as he quirked an eyebrow at Isabella.

Isabella rolled her eyes at him before spinning on her heel and walking into

The Red House without further ado. “We working-class folks can’t find places

to touch up our appearance anytime and anywhere. You’ll have to bear with

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Chapter 63 Inviting Him to Dinner

it, Mr. Dunkstein. My foundation is pretty decent, so I hope I won’t hurt your

eyes too terribly.”

Gordon chuckled and followed her inside.


Isabella noticed he was unusually well-behaved today, which made her feel

relieved. Nonetheless, she was still wary and was afraid that he might

suddenly stir up trouble for her.

She presented her membership card, and the waiter politely led them

upstairs after they entered The Red House.


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