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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65


In a spacious office on the fourth floor of The Red House, a young woman,

who was wearing sunglasses and had her shoes off, was basking under the

moonlight on a lounge chair.

Courtney couldn’t resist calling Seth after having just accomplished

something significant.

Seth took quite some time to answer the call and sounded rather displeased.

She rolled her eyes in exasperation. Nonetheless, she chanted to herself to

keep calm and ignore his unpleasant demeanor. Instead, she drawled

casually, “Guess who paid me a visit?”

He responded indifferently, “Is your family going bankrupt? It seems like you

10:17 Wed, 27 Dec

Chapter 65 Trouble Brewing

have far too much free time on your hands.”

Courtney inhaled deeply, swallowing her frustration, and retorted, “It’s



Seth snorted, and his tone was indifferent. “What does it have to do with me?”

Courtney clicked her tongue as she was displeased with the unexpected


“You’re so boring. You’ve spent five years sleeping with her, and you don’t

care about her at all?”

“Have you ever seen any decent person care about a past affair?” Seth

sneered and said in a disdainful tone.

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Chapter 65 Trouble Brewing

Courtney straightened her posture as she kicked the chair next to her. “She

brought Xavier’s son along. They even ordered a bottle of good wine.”

She sounded proud as she continued, “I sent her the wine you left last time.

Can you guess if she can tell?”

Seth paused.


She grinned, thinking she had finally struck a chord with him. So, she couldn’t

resist taunting him.

Suddenly, he spoke, “If you really have nothing to do, just find a class to

attend. At least you’ll be doing something productive with your time.”

Courtney could feel her temper rising. Murder is illegal. Murder is very illegal!

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Chapter 65 Trouble Brewing


She closed her eyes as she did her best to restrain her temper. She whipped

out her ace in the whole, saying, “Gordon had someone put-”

Seth cut her off, and his tone was cold. “Remember to make her pay for the

wine. Charge the full bottle price. She has the money.”

Courtney widened her beautiful eyes as she was puzzled by this person’s


Just as she was about to retort, a series of urgent knocks came from outside.

“Come in!”

On the other end of the phone, Seth was about to hang up when he heard a

flustered voice blabbering, “Miss Cline, we’ve got a huge problem. A customer

accidentally swallowed the ring that was placed in the ice cream in

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Chapter 65 Trouble Brewing



Courtney’s foot slipped off the stool and nearly fell to the ground. She couldn’t

help but curse as her elegant demeanor faded instantly.

“Is that person insane? How could someone swallow such a big ring?”

She yelled at the waiter and then glanced back at the phone. Alas, Seth had

already hung up.

“He’s heartless. He doesn’t care about gossip, let alone such a big deal as

someone swallowing a ring.”

Courtney kept grumbling as she grabbed her clothes and followed the waiter


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Chapter 65 Trouble Brewing

As soon as she reached the second floor, she saw Gordon dash into the

elevator with Isabella, forcing her into a corner.

“Mr. Dunkstein, if something happens to me, can you talk to your father and

share half of the inheritance with me?” Isabella, who was feeling extremely


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