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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66


Isabella didn’t expect Courtney to come personally. She placed a hand on

the chair handle, trying to push herself into a standing position. Alas, Gordon

swiftly pressed back down her seat.

“Why are you moving about?”

The corner of her lips twitched as she looked at Courtney, who was wearing

sunglasses at night, with a flustered expression on her face.

“I’m so sorry, Miss Cline.”

However, Courtney just took off her glasses and smiled. “It’s alright.”

Then, she glanced between Gordon and Isabella before bowing.


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Chapter 66 I’ll Give You a New One Later

Isabella was shocked. “Miss Cline, what are you doing?”

“I’m here to explain myself as a mistake has been made.” Courtney’s smile

was textbook perfect. In fact, even the curves on both ends of her lips were

the same.

Isabella scrunched her brows in confusion. Then, a sudden thought popped

into her mind.


As she expected, Courtney smiled and said gently, “Miss Symons didn’t ingest

that ring.”

“Impossible!” Gordon was confident and said angrily, “I even stirred the ice

cream to check whether the ring was there. There was nothing inside.”

Courtney merely kept smiling at him and answered, “That’s because that ice

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Chapter 66 I’ll Give You a New One Later

cream didn’t have the ring.”

He was stunned. “What?”

She continued to elaborate, “The waiter was too nervous and served the

wrong ice cream. The ring was actually in Mr. Dunkstein’s ice cream.”


Isabella let out a long sigh of relief. She carefully felt her stomach and didn’t

feel as uncomfortable anymore.

“Then, why did she look like she was about to die?” Gordon turned to look at

the doctor, still worried.

The doctor couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he thought to himself. Young

people nowadays are so dramatic. So, he merely answered him coldly,

“Haven’t you heard of the placebo effect?”


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Chapter 66 I’ll Give You a New One Later

Gordon was rendered speechless. Isabella was a little embarrassed as she

glanced at him before looking at Courtney. “I’m so sorry I blew this whole

thing up.”

“It’s understandable.” Courtney still maintained the fake smile on her face.

On the other hand, Gordon didn’t like that smile of hers and said impatiently,

“You can leave now.”

Yet, she didn’t respond and merely turned to look at Isabella.

Isabella felt the hairs on her neck stand as she pondered. “Is… the bill not


“Bingo!” Courtney snapped her fingers.


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Chapter 66 I’ll Give You a New One Later

Isabella and Gordon were left with no words this time around.



He was shocked that such a rich person would come all the way to the

hospital just for the bill. On top of that, he was so unhappy with Courtney’s

behavior that he had a hand on his hip as he dug out his card from his wallet.


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