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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Outside the car, the man was wearing only a shirt with sleeves rolled up to

his forearms. He exuded a formidable aura, and while his face was mostly

hidden in the shadows, he cast a terrifyingly oppressive aura without having

to say anything.


Isabella’s head was spinning, but she instinctively shrank her neck a little and

withdrew her gaze. In fact, she didn’t really remember who Seth was and

stiffly repeated, “B*stard.”

Seth didn’t speak a word. Instead, his first thought was to pull the damn

woman out of his car.

Upon seeing the situation, Nicolas hurriedly reminded, “Mr. Shaffer, Isabella

looks drunk.”


Seth’s hand hung in the air. The sound of Isabella monotonously repeating a


particular word filled his ears, making him frown as he looked at Nicolas. With

disgust, he said, “You get in the car and open the window for ventilation.”

After getting his orders, Nicolas hurriedly got in the car.

Seth was impatient and didn’t even wait half a minute before getting in the

car with a cold expression.

“Mr. Shaffer, where to?”

“Shaffer Residence,” Seth replied frustratedly. He finally had two days off but

was forced to take a cold shower yesterday and had to bring the drunk

woman back home today.

“Stop the car,” he suddenly ordered.


Nicolas stepped on the brakes and parked the car by the roadside.


Seth glanced at the dazed woman beside him and felt the urge to throw her

out of the car but couldn’t bring himself to speak his mind. He thought that

since they had slept together for five years, it would be cruel to throw her out

of the car in this state. “Return to the Shaffer Residence. Quick.”

Though confused, Nicolas hurriedly started the engine.

Seth’s expression eased after he figured things out, and his gaze occasionally

shifted toward Isabella’s face. Since she was drunk, her cheeks were flushed,

and her lips were pursed into a slight pout. Besides that, her drooping brows

made her look very pitiful.

Seth couldn’t help but mock, “Why are you pretending to be pitiful?”


Hearing the movement, Isabella turned to him and blinked. When she didn’t

receive a response, she turned back around to look out the window.

Meanwhile, Seth observed her expression, trying to judge if she was

pretending or not, but after a long while, he noticed Isabella was still pouting

pitifully and showed no traces of pretense.

“Your alcohol tolerance still hasn’t improved after five years.” He snorted

before withdrawing his gaze.

As the car continued toward Shaffer Residence, the surroundings gradually

became quiet. The roads winding up the mountain were perfectly

engineered and had breathtaking night views along the way.

Isabella leaned on the window, unable to contain her exclamation, “Seth

Shaffer, you b*stard.” That guy is loaded.


Seth heard her loud and clear, and he snapped his head around to look at


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