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Leave Me Alone, Mr Shaffer by Diana Tenny novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Seth entered his study and started a video conference, keeping a straight

face and not giving a single piece of advice throughout it.

When the executives on the other end finished their report but didn’t get

‘lectured,’ they instantly became nervous.

“Mr. Shaffer, what do you think about our proposal?”

Seth replied, “Inappropriate. Change it.”

The crowd was silent.


On the screen, the man’s perfect face looked dark, making others fear him no

matter how handsome he looked.


The executives exchanged glances, hoping one of them would mess up.

While they were hinting at each other with their eyes, they accidentally

wasted too much time.

Seth raised his head, his gaze stern. “Is there anything else?”

“Nope,” everyone answered in unison.

About to end the video conference, Seth ordered, “I want a new proposal

tomorrow morning.”


That left the executives feeling bitter, but they dared not ask anything. They

could only curse at the culprit who angered their boss.

After the meeting ended, Seth sat before his desk with his arms crossed. He

stared sternly at his computer, but his eyes seemed empty.


There was a knock outside the door, and he didn’t need to guess who it was.

“Seth, you should get to rest.” It was the butler’s voice.

Pinching the space between his brows, Seth closed his laptop and got up to


The butler glanced at him and commented, “Everything is well prepared.”

Seth gave a response and headed toward his bedroom, thinking to ask the

butler about Isabella’s situation but finding it unnecessary. Giving her a room

was already generous enough.

When he opened the door to his room, he caught a faint whiff of alcohol

incongruent with the clean scent of his room.


“Everything is well prepared.” The butler’s voice repeated in his ears.


With a click of his tongue, Seth probably guessed the situation and sped up.

Once he was inside his room, he discovered there was indeed a woman in

his bed.

Isabella was in a relaxed posture with her arms beside her face as she lay

slightly on her side, humming.

Standing not far from her, Seth had a complicated expression, thinking how

he was going to deal with the situation before him.

“Isabella,” he called her coldly.

Isabella heard the sound and suddenly woke up, opening her eyes and

looking at him. “Se… Sc*mbag?”


That rendered Seth speechless. Very well. She stops calling me a b*stard but

changes to sc*mbag!

He closed his eyes, clenching his jaw tightly as he stiffly made his way toward



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