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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 100

"My Magical Evaluation Skill is that good?" Rocky marvelled after hearing it for himself. He learned the Magical Evaluation Skill from the Beast Encyclopedia, a book that Marcia got from a mysterious box, which she then sent to him as a gift. Every item in that box were priceless treasures, including the Beast Encyclopedia.

'Wow! General Beauty was so kind to me!' Rocky appreciated Marcia in his mind.

Mia was also stunned to hear it. She immediately wondered just how and when Rocky learned such a great Beast Evaluation Skill. Rocky had spent the past two months in the dragon field. Therefore Mia thought that it was impossible for him to learn anything about beast evaluation, not to mention be able to execute a Beast Evaluation Skill. Mia concluded that Rocky must be concealing something from her.

"Madam Mia, who is he?" Weldon was absolutely flabbergasted by Rocky's display of skills in beast evaluation. Weldon and Carter shared a similar experience in learning the beast evaluation. The founder of the sect where Weldon learned his Beast Evaluation Skill was also a student of Sean's. He learned the Stroking Evaluation Skill from Sean, which was a relatively better skill than the Radiance Evaluation Skill.

"Ladies and gentlemen! This young man is Prince Basil!" As soon as Tobin heard Weldon, he immediately stood up and loudly announced to everyone.

When the others heard Tobin, their jaws almost fell to the floor. They had heard a lot about the famous Prince Basil. None of them had expected that Prince Basil was standing in front of their very eyes in that exact moment. Most of the people in the Wild Spirit Land knew the story; Prince Basil, who only reached the first grade of the Earthly Stage, won against Erica, the great talent from the Magic Phoenix Empire. All the people present had heard the story and knew how great Prince Basil was, but they were not aware that Prince Basil also had the talent for the beast evaluation.

Carter grew anxious as soon as he heard that the person in front of him was the famous Prince Basil. He hastily bowed down to Rocky and nervously stammered out, "I-I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness. Please forgive my offensive words and ill behaviour. P-please forgive a pathetic imbecile like me. How could I have been so stupid? I accept my failure. O-of course the Top Beast Evaluator's Jade Cup still undoubtedly belongs to the Super Beast Farm. Now, if you'll allow me to leave now, Your Royal Highness. I-I have some urgent issues to deal with. Excuse me…" And with that, he fled away along with his men from the Rare Beast Farm at once.

Once Carter had left, the other beast evaluators bid their farewells to Rocky and Mia. After all, the contest was over and they had no more reason to stick around. Each of them had a dumbstruck look on their face as they glanced at Rocky before they left.

"It's over? Oh man!" Rocky's lip curled in dissatisfaction. He just executed part of the Stroking Evaluation Skill, but now they had all left and he had no more chance to test the skill even further.

"Your Royal Highness, may I ask where you learned the Magical Evaluation Skill and who your teacher was?" Weldon asked. The Magical Evaluation Skill had been lost to the world for hundreds of years. Its reappearance would definitely rock the whole Wild Spirit Land.

"Umm… I just taught myself, ha-ha!" Rocky answered. Of course, he would not tell the truth.

Weldon was stupefied to hear Rocky's response. He could not tell whether it was true or not.

"Let's go!" Mia said to Rocky with a straight face and then nodded at Tobin.

Tobin got Mia's intention at once and immediately left them. Rocky then followed downstairs after Mia. Once they reached the gate of the Super Beast Farm, Tobin caught up to them and handed Rocky a golden bill as saying, "Your Royal Highness, this a ten-thousand golden bill. It's a gift from the Super Beast Farm to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to you."

"Wow! That's too much! I can't take such a great gift," Rocky said. He was not expecting that at all. The only reason why he challenged Carter was because he just wanted to have some fun.

"I accept your gratitude and appreciation, but please take this back. If you really want to thank me, just let me come visit here. I had a great time in the Super Beast Farm today," Rocky said after some consideration.

"Yes, of course! No problem! Our Super Beast Farm welcomes Prince Basil at all times," Tobin said in a reverent voice.


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