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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 99

At this point, it didn't occur to the onlookers that a level one beast evaluator would be able to display the two unique skills that the two well-known beast evaluators, who were regarded as grandmasters, had long mastered. It was an extremely shocking development. Had they not seen for themselves, they would never believe it was true.

What made them feel even more startled was that the young man had grasped two different kinds of Beast Evaluation Skills at the same time. Typically, it was very difficult for a beast evaluator to master one kind, let alone two different ones. Even grandmasters like Carter and Weldon couldn't do that. However, this young man had achieved an impossible thing. This was simply a wonder that was far beyond their expectations. As a result, most of them began to stare at Rocky with incredulous eyes, mixed feelings rushing through them. Presumably, the extraordinary talent of grasping two kinds of Beast Evaluation Skills alone could make him famous. Following this, many beast evaluators would scramble to invite him as their disciple. After all, his endowed talent was so rare, and it was hard to find a young man with such abilities.

Of course, the onlookers, who were still dumbfounded at that moment, didn't have the slightest idea that Rocky's Stroking Evaluation Skill was actually only one of the Magical Evaluation Skills that could be learned by a beast evaluator when he reached the second level. This was according to what was described in the Beast Encyclopedia. Like Carter's skill, Weldon's Stroking Evaluation Skill, which he regarded as an esoteric skill, was actually derived from the Magical Evaluation Skill as well.

At that exact moment, Rocky suddenly got up and burst into peals of laughter, which abruptly broke the dead silence.

Rocky's sudden laughter made the onlookers even more surprised, and they all looked at him with great confusion.

"What are you laughing at?" Carter immediately asked Rocky, totally perplexed.

"I am laughing because someone is going to miss the Top Beast Evaluator's Jade Cup and feel disappointed," Rocky said confidently, looking teasingly at Carter. It was as if he had predicted the final outcome of the competition between them as earlier. They had agreed that if Rocky won, the Top Beast Evaluator's Jade Cup would still belong to the Super Beast Farm.

When the onlookers heard Rocky's words, they thought instinctively, 'Maybe he really has found out something from the good-for-nothing spirit-manipulated beast?' Now, they were even more curious about the final outcome of the competition.

"Hey, young man, don't be so cocky! I'd like to hear your comments about the hidden ability of this good-for-nothing spirit-manipulated beast. If you're mistaken, you should apologize to me immediately and hand over the Top Beast Evaluator's Jade Cup to me," Carter snapped. Although it was definitely shocking when Rocky used two Beast Evaluation Skills at the same time, Carter certainly didn't believe that Rocky had the ability to evaluate the quality of the good-for-nothing beast he had chosen.

"Well, it's quite easy," Rocky replied lightly. All at once, he took the Frozen Wind Dagger that Marcia gave to him from his inner pocket. As he unsheathed it, the Dagger suddenly flashed and its spiritual power made everyone wince.

As the onlookers were lost in thought, trying to figure out why Rocky took out the Frozen Wind Dagger, he suddenly slung the dagger straight at the beast. They gasped, totally taken aback.

"What? Does he want to kill the spirit-manipulated beast because he couldn't find out its special quality?" someone in the crowd cried out.

As soon as Rocky pulled out the Frozen Wind Dagger and stabbed the beast with it, Carter did not stop him. His face gradually turned dreadfully pale.


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