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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 105

At the feeling of being kissed by Rocky, Shirley felt like she had been struck by lightning. She was dumbfounded, her eyes opening wide as her heart hammered. She had never been touched intimately by anyone else—the last time she had held hands with someone was her grandfather when she was little! But Rocky kissed her in public. And to make matters worse, it was her first kiss!

Shirley was overwhelmed by the rage, humiliation and other emotions all at the same time.

Many members of the Ximen Clan passed by and witnessed this scene. They were all shocked, their jaws dropping open. They certainly had no clue that Rocky had surprised her with this. From their perspective, it was an extremely unexpected thing that Shirley, who was cold, arrogant, and ignored all men, would kiss Rocky in front of everyone.

Rocky thought it was enough and was about to end this kiss, but he found that he was a little unwilling to end it, because Shirley's lips were so soft and sweet. He could detect a faint, pleasant aroma coming from her skin. Before he took back his hand holding Shirley's chin, he slightly patted Shirley's waist and murmured with satisfaction, "There you go."

Shirley's face was stiff, as though she was frozen. Her eyes were full of flaming anger and murderous intent. She wrathfully stared at Rocky as she rubbed her mouth until it was red. But she still felt as though it was still dirty.

"You want to kill me so much, don't you? But I think you'd better not do that. There are so many people watching. If something bad happens to me, people will say you murdered your husband," Rocky smiled coldly as he looked at Shirley's steely face. He was not worried about her at all. He wouldn't have resorted to such a rude thing if it hadn't been for Shirley being unreasonable. She caused him trouble first. He did not care if she would hate him more for this. In fact, he hoped she would despise him so much that she would demand that the emperor annul the betrothal right now.

Shirley surely knew that there were lots of people around them now. That was also the reason that she did not attack him again. But she had clenched her hand and bitten her lips so tightly that her lips were nearly bleeding.

What Rocky had done to her just now was the most humiliating thing in her whole life.

"That's all for today. Tell your grandfather that I am glad that he invited me here," Rocky said, striding away once he had told her this.

Though Shirley really wanted to kill him, she knew that there was no way she could do that and it would cause a war between the royal family and the Ximen Clan. Even though she was unreasonable, she knew her boundaries and limits very well. She just regretted that she had underestimated Rocky and even given him an opportunity to retaliate.

Shirley turned around and looked at Rocky's receding figure. She murmured to herself coldly, "Let's wait and see. Basil, I will make you pay ten times for the humiliation I suffered today!"

Rocky sauntered back the way he came, trying to ignore all the murmurs and comments the bystanders were making. Then he left the Mansion of General Ximen.

"Well. Where should I go now?" Rocky murmured as he looked around. He seldom had the chance to leave the Palace City, so he wanted to have fun before he returned to his home.

'Right. I can visit General Gorgeous and exchange the miracle saliva for some yellow spiritual crystals, ' he thought, an idea sparking in his mind. He inquired of some passersby where Marcia's mansion was.

A few moments later, Rocky arrived at Marcia's gates in the northwest part of the Imperial City. Though her mansion was not greater than the general's mansion of the Ximen Clan, it had a rather imposing and elaborate architecture. Six guards with full armor stood holding swords at the gate.

"Excuse me..." Rocky came up to them and was about to ask if he could enter the general's mansion. But one of the guardians immediately pointed to Rocky with his sword and said loudly, "Please leave. Our general won't see unknown people."

"I'm not an unknown man. I am..." Rocky was going to show his identity.


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