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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 106

"Of course! Your Royal Highness, you can evaluate all the spirit-manipulated beasts on the Super Beast Farm. By the way, you can help us to find the value of these beasts." Tobin was so impressed after watching Rocky's exceptional skill in evaluating beasts yesterday.

"A few spirit-manipulated beasts are enough. But could you help me to find a quiet place?" Rocky said with a little hollow laugh at once. He didn't know that Tobin was so greedy until now. He even wanted Rocky to evaluate all the spirit-manipulated beasts.

Tobin then arranged a remote stable for Rocky in a short time. Few people would come there. Rocky was very satisfied with that. Afterward, Tobin also asked his men to send a few spirit-manipulated beasts to Rocky at once.

Rocky stayed there alone and evaluate the beasts through his Magical Evaluation Skill. He was busy in evaluating but he enjoyed himself.

Time flew! Working until late in the afternoon, Rocky forgot to have lunch, which Tobin had brought for him. Tobin had prepared the best food for him in order to please him.

Though it was a big meal, Rocky didn't take notice and didn't bother about eating. He was obsessed with his work.

Rocky didn't walked out of the stable slowly until it turned dark. He came to the Palace City after saying goodbye to Tobin.

For the next days, Rocky gave the ten-thousand golden bill to the guards of Palace City in order to the Super Beast Farm. Moreover, Prince Basil was so famous in the Holy Dragon Empire. The guards gladly let him go out of the Palace City. Sometimes, he would come along with Uriah for intensive training.

One day, Lena went to Rocky's chamber as soon as he had left. She wanted to find out from the maids where Rocky had gone. As usual, he left before dawn and stayed out until very late, making it almost impossible for anyone to know what he was up to.

"All right! I will come back later. In a few minutes I should be at Consort Allison's. She is teaching me embroidery." Having learned that Rocky was not in, Lena left with her own maids.

Elsewhere, a terrible conspiracy was cooking in Alston's palace, on the other side of the Palace City.

"Priest Dean, have you finished preparing the secret medicine?" Alston asked as he looked at Priest Dean, who was seated beside him. Though they stayed in Alston's palace, he still asked in a whisper, afraid that someone might eavesdrop on their conspiracy, which would throw a spanner in the works for them.

Priest Dean cautiously brought out a black bottle from his sleeve and gave it to Alston. At once, Alston smiling insidiously, stretched his hand to receive the black bottle. But instead of handing out the bottle, Priest Dean held back and cautioned sternly, "If something goes wrong, I think that you should know how to do it. I don't want to get into trouble for helping you to prepare the medicine. Have you ensured that your plans are airtight?"

"Don't worry. I am well prepared, and I can assure you, we will succeed this time. Consort Allison is not at ease today, meaning His Majesty might not go to her chamber. I have also bought off all her maids. There won't be anyone else in the palace at that time. Of course, we'll have to eliminate anyone who might pose a threat to our plan. Don't worry!" Alston was like a cold-blooded murderer, and he made his plans meticulously, well in advance.

His confidence finally made Priest Dean relaxed enough to give out the black bottle. "It is easy to use. You only need to blow the powder into the room," Dean explained. "We only need him to inhale the slightest amount of the powder. Unless he is a spirit manipulator, above the Divine Stage, he won't survive drug."

"Thanks for your help, Priest Dean. That's what we have been waiting for." Alston caught the black bottle and carefully assessed it. Awed by the magical power of the powder, a smile crept to his face. Every part of their plot was perfect, so far.

Rocky brought Uriah to his chamber at dusk. His maids told him that Lena had come to see him earlier in the day. For a moment, he debated with himself whether he should check on Lena and find out why she had come looking for him. But before he could decide, an unfamiliar maid came into the chamber.


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