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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 110

Rocky stormed through the area angrily, causing great vibrations to ripple throughout. A dense mass of palace guards were startled and grasped in terror. Ever since, the Witch Palace had been a forbidden place. Even a prince couldn't enter it unless the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire permitted. However, Rocky was trying to break into it in a direct and blunt way. The palace guards had to stop him regardless of his status as a prince. Though disrespecting him was fundamentally against their will, they knew clearly that if the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire flew into a rage for their disregard for their duty, they would be doomed.

Realizing the palace guards had no intention of making way for him, Rocky instantly displayed the spiritual martial arts of the Vast Nebula Skill. Instantly two nebulas showed up in his hands, shooting towards the palace guards, from left and right. "Boom! Boom!" The two nebulas exploded among the palace guards, dust fog billowing in great clouds. Many of the palace guards were thrown off their feet. As a result, their formation was scattered into total disorder.

Rocky sped up and planned to make use of the situation and break through their interception in one stroke. However, it seemed that he had underestimated the strength of the palace guards who were responsible for defending the Palace City of the Holy Dragon Empire. When he ran across them, countless black shadows launched attacks against him from left and right. Immediately, he generated the dragon spiritual power to resist the attacks. He had to stop in order to do this.

Very soon, the palace guards gathered into a new array to cluster around Rocky. The formation was virtually airtight.

At the point, several figures appeared behind the palace guards, all of whom were beyond the medium level of the Heavenly Stage. They stared at Rocky mercilessly with their hands behind their backs. Rocky saw some sort of indolence in their eyes. It seemed that they looked down upon Rocky who was just at the Earthly Stage, knowing that they could blast him away easily.

Rocky also noticed several spirit-manipulated beasts, hovering and roaring in the sky or snapping and clawing on the ground. Like their owners standing beside, all of them were powerful with an overflowing aura of arrogance.

Their owners were royal spirit manipulators, who were in charge of the protection of the Witch Palace. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't show up. They felt it rather peculiar that a prince would try to break into the Witch Palace, so they came along with the palace guards to stop Rocky.

"Get out of my way!" Rocky bellowed, his eyes filling with fury. He didn't want to kill anyone. But if they insisted on barring the way, he wouldn't be so easy on them.

"Your Royal Highness, entering the Witch Palace without permission is a crime. Please don't make things difficult for us," one of the royal spirit manipulators reasoned as he stepped forward.

Running out of his patience, Rocky had nothing more to say. He raised his left arm, and then the Dragon Spirit Marks started to dance around, winding rapidly over his muscles. Soon, his body released the light representing his power at the Earthly Stage. Instantly, light spots gathering into nebulas floated around his body like fireflies.

Even the overmatches at the medium level of the Heavenly Stage before him couldn't smash his strong will to see Lena.

At the moment, Rocky breathed deeply with his eyes wide open. Soon, he sped up and passed through several palace guards. The unlucky guards fell silently on the ground at once.

The other palace guards were all startled. However, they didn't dare to go off the deep end due to Rocky's status. As for the royal spirit manipulators, they also stared speechless at each other. Actually, it was easy for them to stop Rocky, but if he was injured, they would be unable to justify their action.

Having been aware of their soft spots, step by step, Rocky pressed on towards the palace guards and the royal spirit manipulators.

Meanwhile, inside the Witch Palace, Lena, sitting up in bed, looked utterly dejected. Her eyes were dull and glazed. It was as though a blanket of gloom had totally wrapped around her.

"Your Royal Highness, it's time to take some medicine!" Randi, her trusted and close maid, walked in with a bowl of medicine in her hand. She placed it before Lena.

"To tell you the truth, I don't blame him. I'm just waiting for him to explain to me why he did that. Why can't I remember what happened at all? I don't believe he would do that to me unless he was forced..." Lena looked up at Randi, tears welling in her eyes. It was hard to tell whether she was talking to Randi or herself.

Randi was confused. Last night, Allison told her Lena was sick and asked her to return alone first, so she left and went back without thinking much. However, when Lena was sent back, she was extremely frightened. No matter how she asked, Lena refused to tell her the truth. Since last night, Lena had been always muttering to herself.

"Your Royal Highness, for your health, you should drink your medicine first," Randi persuaded.

"No, I don't want to drink it." Lena shook her head. Suddenly she heard a stir from outside. As her eyes turned alert, she asked, "Why is it so noisy outside?"

"I'll go out to check," Randi replied. She also noticed that something was definitely happening. She put down the bowl and hurried out.

When Randi emerged, she was astonished at the sight. She saw a mass of palace guards stepping back towards her. Before them, a resolute man striding on his sturdy legs drew closer and closer.

"Is he..." Randi recognized Rocky in an instant, but she immediately realized that something must be wrong here. Thus, she turned around, intending to go back inside and tell Lena at once.


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