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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 111

Outside the Witch Palace, Alston let out an evil, loud laugh. He watched his hysterical brother pleading for a chance to see Lena. Alston then went up to the royal spirit manipulators at the medium level of the Heavenly Stage who were standing guard outside the Palace. He instructed them sternly, "I need you to stay out of whatever will happen after this. I will take care of it myself. No matter how things go, don't try to poke you nose into it. That's a direct order."

"But, Your Royal Highness..." The guards were quite shocked to hear these instructions. Typically, the Crown Prince shouldn't be bothered this kind of matter. They found it rather strange when they heard that he wanted to take care of it in person.

"Do you have any problems with my order?" Alston asked, squaring up his shoulders intimidatingly.

Even though there were looks of perplexed confusion on their faces, the guards understood that asking more questions would not do them any good. So they withdrew themselves with their spirit-manipulated beasts to the front of the Witch Palace.

There was a reason for Alston to order those royal spirit manipulators to stay out of his business. He knew very well that they would stand in his way if he would do something to Rocky that did not comply with the law. Alston now looked at Rocky ferociously and said, "You will never see Lena again. No matter how hard you scream, she will never want to see your face. I will make you suffer more than what you have done to her. Death will be a mercy for you. Just wait and see. I will make it a living hell for you."

"It's you! You're the one who set me up. Alston, you dirty dog!" Rocky clenched his fists. His rage was towering like a flaming fire.

"Hah-hah, do you have any evidence? Currently, all the evidence points to you! Everyone in the empire will soon be convinced that you are the treacherous bastard who committed unforgivable crimes. Even His Majesty can't protect you now. You have no choice but to accept your doom!" Alston said villainously.

Rocky growled as a thunderclap resounded, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from where he stood. In the next moment, he appeared in front of Alston. Nebula shaped spiritual powers kept converging to his clenching right hand in readiness for him to attack Alston. Though he knew that he would not stand a chance to defeat Alston, he swung his fist without a bit of hesitation.

But at that moment, four people appeared from different directions to protect Alston. They were all above the medium level of the Heavenly Stage. One of them took Rocky's nebula punch directly by his own body. Meanwhile, the other covered his fingers by spiritual power. Quickly, his fingers became hawk talons and grabbed right on Rocky's shoulder. Rocky's clothes was torn into pieces. Bloody tear marks were visible on Rocky's shoulder. Another kick was directed to Rocky's abdomen that propelled him far away.

The kick was so powerful that Rocky rolled over the ground which aroused a cloud of dust before he could stop himself. That was a real hit.

"Do you want to fight me? You aren't good enough yet!" Alston said jeeringly to Rocky, who was face first on the dirt.

At this moment, Rocky covered the bleeding wound on his shoulder with his hand and glared at Alston and the four spirit manipulators. Their power was above the fifth or sixth level of the Heavenly Stage. He knew that he could not defeat even one of them, not to mention all four.

"Aren't you even brave enough to fight with me? You coward!" Rocky spat out the dirt that had lodged in his mouth, bellowing at Alston.

"You lowly creature! You are not even good enough to be my slave. If you wanted a chance to fight me, then defeat my four guards before you can touch me. I am sure you will have a good time with them. Of course, don't expect that they will be lenient with you!" Alston looked coldly at Rocky. He wanted to doom his annoying brother to death, but knew it should not be too brazenly done. So he arranged carefully the four of his Heavenly Stage guards to engage with Rocky. By the time they managed to kill Rocky, he could cover it up as being unintentional.

Rocky clenched his fists and looked around for the situation in front of him. He did not want to waste his time and energy with these people. He just wanted to see Lena. He needed to explain himself to her. Even if it was true that Lena did not want to see him, he would want to hear it from her in person. If Lena herself told him that she did not want to see him again, he would not stay one minute more. Staring in determination, he once again resorted to his spiritual power at the Earthly Stage, in an attempt to force another attack.

But Iron, one of Alston's four guards, blocked him after he advanced for only a short distance. Iron punched by a single fist on the ground, causing a stream of powerful spiritual power to surge up abruptly from underground, ripping the land into fissures. It soon struck Rocky and blew him far away.


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