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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 113

"No!" After seeing everything, Rocky climbed up from the ground with his great and amazing perseverance once again. The flame brought by his anger had reached its peak which made his eyes blaze in red. The spiritual power in his body had already been out of control. Just at the exact despairing and isolating moment, the vision of the black dragon suddenly appeared right before his eyes once again. The dragon shouted out loudly, "If you yield to me, I shall lend you my power!"

"Could the power of the Holy Dragon Bead really be this evil? Of course, I will not yield to you but I want your power now!" Rocky opened his eyes abruptly. The color of his pupils began to change dramatically that they resembled a furiously burning flame. At this moment, he felt as if a door inside his body was being opened up. After a while, an evil and furious power came out of his body through that door. Everything was happening so fast.

Suddenly, the skies were filled with clouds as darkness came. There was an atmosphere of horror and coldness as if a demon was about to come.

Instantly, the cold breath around Rocky began to rise. His dragon spiritual power that had a color that was hard to define, began to turn into a darker shade. At the same time, the breath of the dragon spiritual power inside him began to gather and flow to every part of his body until his entire body was surrounded by black air.

Hawk sensed that Rocky was suddenly surrounded by an evil breath. He felt that the power of the breath was growing on and on that he could almost see the dark breath closing in on him. Hawk could not help but feel extremely frightened and confused. He did not understand how Rocky, a royal spirit manipulator at the Earthly Stage, could let a master who was at the medium grade of the Heavenly Stage like him feel such immense force.

Hawk could not help but take a step back. However, just at the same moment, Rocky suddenly revealed a ferocious smile and closed in on Hawk as fast as he could. He reached out his hand and grabbed Hawk by his shoulder.

At the same time, Hawk felt that there was a black swirl appearing right before his eyes. The swirl was growing larger and larger that it seemed as if it was going to devour him completely. He felt that the spiritual power he had in his body was starting to drain away very quickly.

"Ah..." Hawk let out a terrible cry.

The moment everyone realized what had happened, Hawk's energy seemed to have already been absorbed completely by something horrible. All the others present in the area saw that Hawk became extremely thin and weak as his cheeks turned as hollow as a skull. No longer after what they saw, Hawk died and fell to the ground.

The two-headed hawk that had grabbed Uriah in the air suddenly hissed violently as it dropped Uriah and hurried away.

What surprised everyone was that the two masters at the medium grade of the Heavenly Stage were defeated in a very short period of time, not to mention that their competitor was just a royal spirit manipulator at the Earthly Stage.


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