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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 112

"Bang!" It slammed into Rocky's shoulder. He heard the bone in his right shoulder crack. He then felt a sharp pain in his right arm that soon faded to a dull ache.

Rocky started to roar with laughter as he gripped his shoulder with his disabled arm. He then raised his left arm and pointed it towards Iron's head. An ice talon immediately shot out from it, carrying the spiritual power at the middle grade of the Heavenly Stage.

Iron did not expect that Rocky would use himself as a bait and hit him with such a strong power. His eyes were wide open in shock as he saw the ice talon coming straight for his head.

Iron gave out a long piercing scream before his head violently exploded.

The look on everyone's faces, including Alston, was of pure astonishment. They could not believe what they had just witnessed.

"How could this be possible?" Alston's eyes widened in disbelief. He had seen Rocky defeat his opponent from the Magic Phoenix Empire during the Dragon Birth Festival with the same technique. At that time, he had thought Rocky had just been lucky. However, now that he had seen the technique for a second time, it seemed that it was not that simple.

The fact that a royal spirit manipulator at the entry grade of the Earthly Stage managed to kill a spirit manipulator at the middle grade of the Heavenly Stage was absolutely incredible.

However, the battle left Rocky in a bad shape. His right arm was limp at his side and he was spitting out blood. Soon, he was no longer able to hold himself together and collapsed onto the ground.

Hawk was fuming in anger at witnessing Iron got killed. The next second, his spiritual power rushed out and he was filled with murderous intent. His talon came straight for Rocky who was now defenseless and could only watch as he attacked.

Rocky felt as if everything was in slow motion.

Just as Rocky was about to meet his end at the hands of Hawk, a shadow swooped in like a hurricane and made its way to Rocky's side. It then bit Hawk's wrist.

Hawk screamed in pain and shook off the beast as he tried to retrieve his hand. He drew a few steps backwards and stared at the figure that was standing right next to Rocky.

It was Uriah. It had sensed that its master was in danger and came to the rescue.

"What are you doing here, buddy?" Rocky weakly chuckled as he patted Uriah's head.

Uriah howled a couple of times before it started to lick Rocky's wound.

"You came just in time. The last half bottle of the magical saliva just might work." Rocky managed to sit himself up and downed the last magical saliva that he fetched from inside his clothes. He then took out the yellow spiritual crystal.

Uriah roared. It seemed to be ready for the last stand with its master. Rocky then placed the yellow spiritual crystal into Uriah's open mouth. It immediately swallowed the crystal and its body was illuminated with a bright light as waves of spiritual power poured out.

Rocky then settled his hand on Uriah's forehead and absorbed the spiritual power from the crystal using his dragon spiritual power. His wounds instantly started to heal as the absorbed spiritual power began to fill his entire body.

Most of his wounds and injuries were soon healed except for his right arm, which needed a much more careful treatment.

Alston was once again shocked to see Rocky transform as if he was reborn.

"Prince Alston, should we join the fight?" The other two guards at the middle grade of the Heavenly Stage asked.

"He's only at the Earthly Stage, but it's still going to take four of my guards at the Heavenly Stage to defeat him? I don't think so. We'll become a laughing stock if we do. What happened just then was an accident," Alston coldly said, glaring at Rocky's direction.

"Hawk!" Alston shouted.

Hawk grew solemn, as he knew that if he failed at killing Rocky again, Alston would not trust him any longer. His hand morphed into a talon and ripped a hole in the space, from which a giant eagle-like shadow flew right out. It hovered in the air for a few seconds before it swooped down towards Rocky and Uriah.


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