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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 116

Rocky was undoubtedly surprised to hear Marcia say such words in front of a big crowd to protect him, but he also knew that Alston and Priest Dean wouldn't let him go easily just because of her ambiguous words. They had been trying so hard to set him up and kill him since he was one of Alston's competitors, and now they were about to succeed. Despite their efforts, the mighty General Marcia had shown up at the very critical moment, and they had no plans of backing out now.

"Then don't blame us for being ruthless," Alston snarled. Although Marcia's words were too ambiguous, which made people wonder about her special relationship with Rocky, Alston didn't care at all. He had no intention of letting Rocky go. The evil power which Rocky had just exploded had disappeared already, which meant that he was very weak now. It was a good chance to kill him and the evil power was the perfect excuse to do so. Anyone using such evil power was regarded as a dark demon in the Holy Dragon Empire. Such people could be slaughtered mercilessly. Anyone who killed such a monster would not be convicted or punished. Immediately, Alston winked at Priest Dean, his conspirator. He knew that both of them were thinking the same thing.

Alston thought that even though Marcia was mighty, she was still alone right now. He was not alone; he had Priest Dean, whose strength was also close to the Divine Stage and would be strong enough to hold Marcia for a moment, so that he could take that opportunity to kill Rocky, who was as weak as a lamb at that moment.

Priest Dean understood Alston's thoughts well. Since they had set Rocky up using such a deadly trick, they had to kill him. If they failed to finish him off now, he would figure out their trick in the future and would take revenge on them. Thus, only Rocky's death would make Priest Dean feel at ease.

Without wasting any more time, Alston and Priest Dean dashed towards Marcia and Rocky simultaneously. The onlookers, the royal spirit manipulators, saw that Alston and Priest Dean were about to clash against Marcia. They stood there stupefied.

They didn't understand why these people were fighting for someone like Rocky. After all, the three of them were among the top figures in the Holy Dragon Empire, especially Marcia, who was well-known for her aloofness towards men.

"It looks like they are not going to let me leave here alive today," Rocky sneered coldly.

Marcia heard Rocky's remark, and narrowed her beautiful eyes coldly. It was strange that Alston and Priest Dean wanted to kill Rocky so desperately. But she couldn't let Rocky die. The Holy Dragon Bead inside his body was the key to revealing the secret of the silver tattoo on her back. Up until now, she had done so much to protect him and improve his strength. If he was killed by those two today, what she had done all this while would have been for nothing. Obviously, Alston and Priest Dean didn't know her secret. If they had known, they would have thought twice before trying to set Rocky up. Now, they had managed to completely anger Marcia.

Some keen onlookers immediately noticed that Marcia was staring at the two of them angrily, and all of a sudden, her delicate body turned extremely bright, like the blazing sun. Along with that, her strong spiritual power burst forth. Consequently, the square in front of the Witch Palace trembled; dust flew in all directions in the square; the wind howled violently, like a sharp knife piercing through her enemies' body. Marcia had activated her formidable power at the Divine Stage. It was just so earth-shattering.

With the sudden increase in her spiritual power, Marcia was the domineering, mighty queen who ruled the space around her. Alston and Priest Dean, who had tried to get closer to Marcia, felt the shocking spiritual pressure rushing towards them. They couldn't move an inch further. Alston was weaker compared to Priest Dean. Thus, he was the first to suffer. The onlookers saw him turn pale and that he began to vomit blood. His body's vital energy and blood were out of control. As he relayed on his high cultivation base, Priest Dean could still resist the pressing spiritual pressure for a while. But, if Marcia didn't stop her attack soon, his fate would be sealed.

In other words, if Marcia continued to release her spiritual power, both Alston and Priest Dean would be killed in seconds.

The royal spirit manipulators retreated as far away from the scene as they could. None of them wanted to be affected by the spiritual power because Marcia's strength was immensely overwhelming.

Even though Rocky had seen Marcia activate her power at the Divine Stage before, he was once again shocked. He looked at Alston and Priest Dean and thought that they were only reaping what they had sown. He couldn't wait for Marcia to kill them both.

"General Marcia, please show some mercy." Just as Alston and Priest Dean were on their last gasp, a loud voice rang out abruptly. For the two who were struggling desperately for their lives, it felt like they had never heard a voice more beautiful before, like the sound of an angel who had come to save them.

When Marcia heard the voice, she steered her attention to the source and saw the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, followed by a few powerful royal spirit manipulators. After hesitating for a few seconds, she finally stopped releasing her spiritual power.

Alston and Priest Dean fell to the ground, panting heavily and desperately, and their faces were as pale as white marble. They didn't dare to look directly at Marcia. They knew very well that if the emperor hadn't appeared in the nick of time, they might really have been killed by her.


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