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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 117

Very soon there was only Rocky, the emperor, Marcia, Alston and Priest Dean left on the Witch Palace.

"Basil, you have shown no remorse up to this point. On top of all that, you barged into the Witch Palace, wreaking havoc. I am very disappointed at you." The emperor said coldly as an effort to contain his anger while staring at Rocky. His face twitched and contorted, attempting to contain the rage at what he had just heard.

"I..." Just as Rocky was about to explain himself, he heard Marcia ask the emperor, her voice brimming with confusion. "Your Majesty, what did he do this time?"

The emperor's face darkened as he knew that he could not keep it a secret much longer with Marcia asking. Of course, it wouldn't be ideal for him to keep it from his own general. After all, nothing stayed hidden forever, so it was better for it to come from himself instead of others. Openness and transparency was the only way to go. However, the emperor was still extremely angry about what had happened last night, and so only told her a brief summary. His brows were knit together, clearly embarrassed and infuriated.

Marcia froze for a second hearing the emperor's word. She had never thought that Rocky would have done such a thing. Yet judging from Rocky's desperate attempt to save Lena, Marcia thought it was not that simple. The way she saw it, Rocky was a cynical man. But he was a cynical man with backbone, and he would never kick a man when he was down.

"General Marcia, you should have known by now that he is just a villainous, despicable man. He's utterly worthless, with no sense of honor." Alston cut in with much hatred and frustration in his voice. He would have killed Rocky if it had not been for Marcia's interference!

"If that is the case, he deserves a more severe punishment. How about abolishing his status as a prince again and send him away to the frontier. If he makes out of there, it will be for his own luck. And if he dies, well, then it will be that. That way, we can avoid an internal conflict in the royal family while showing the world your kindness and generosity," Marcia said, raising an eyebrow and looking at Alston, who was still fuming.

Rocky was surprised as he had assumed and expected that she would be on his side. He never thought that Marcia would propose his abolishment from the royal family and his further banishment to the frontier. He stared at her with much resentment emanating from his gaze.

What Rocky failed to understand was that what Marcia did was actually trying to save him. If it came to a trial by the royal family, it could end cruelly for him with a death sentence.

Alston and Priest Dean exchanged a look as they sensed that Marcia seemed to be protecting Rocky. Their eyes met, a silent agreement passing between them. Priest Dean said to the Emperor, "Your Majesty, I think the punishment on Prince Basil should be considered thoroughly. It cannot be treated lightly like a child's play. I recommend to have him on royal trial. This is the way to show people that royals are fair and will not cover the crimes done by one of their own."

"That's right, father. You cannot let him get away with it that easily. It would not be fair to Lena." Alston deliberately mentioned Lena in hopes of jogging up the image of Lena in a weak and helpless state. Perhaps, this would cause the emperor to become angry with Rocky again and put him for a trial. Alston knew clearly that he had to take this chance and get rid of Rocky once and for all. Otherwise, his status as heir to the throne would be in jeopardy.

"If we put Basil on a standing trial, we will not be able to preserve the good name of the Witch. Everyone in the country will know. This is an infamy for our Holy Dragon Empire. If the word of this gets out, it will also hurt Lena for a second time. How would she get along? So whatever happens, I need everyone to keep this a secret, full discretion." The empire looked determined and beyond negotiation. This was the only way to protect the grace of the Holy Dragon Empire while also preserving what was left of Lena's dignity.

"However Basil made such a grave mistake, which is beyond forgiveness. He must pay for it. General Marcia's proposal sounds good. I should add this abolishment must be irrevocable as I feel this should be the proper compensation to Lena to some degree. After the banishment, he may not return to the Imperial City without my permission. If he does, I will have him killed." The emperor made a decision after a moment of contemplation.

"Your Majesty!" Alston and Priest Dean both looked a little disappointed as this decision by the emperor gave Rocky a way out.

"My decision is made. I will announce to the entire country that Prince Basil is terribly sick during the practice of martial arts and he needs rest. His matrimony with Ximen Clan is to be postponed indefinitely." The reason for the emperor's decision was Rocky's identity. He was not just a prince anymore but also a key role that had been in place to curb the Ximen Clan. If the word about Rocky got out, Ximen Clan would use it as an excuse to reject the marriage proposal. No matter what reason they might use, if it came to that, all the arrangements the emperor had been planning for so long would have been in vain.

Rocky smiled coldly as he heard the emperor's decision, and realized that the reason his so-called father kept him alive was to extract whatever remaining value that he had.

Both Alston and Priest Dean also grew solemn as they could tell that the emperor had made up his mind. On the bright side, Rocky was banished from the royal family for good with no possibility of return, which fit quite nicely with Alston's original plan. There had been twists and turns, and yet things had gone his way after all. With such a strong contender like Rocky gone, Alston almost had the position of the emperor locked down.


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