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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 119

Just before arriving at the Gehenna Border, Rocky and Uriah had almost fully recovered. Although the power of the Holy Dragon Bead had long been sealed by Marcia, Rocky was pleasantly surprised to find that the spiritual power at the first grade of the Earthly Stage that originally belonged to him was still at his disposal at the moment. He sighed in relief. At least he still had this.

However, since the power of the Holy Dragon Bead had been sealed, and the special devouring power that existed before was now completely useless, Rocky was no different from an ordinary spirit manipulator at the first grade of the Earthly Stage.

And when those royal spirit manipulators saw that Rocky and Uriah had just recovered from their injuries and their strength had even returned to normal, they were all startled. Their surprise came from the fact that just a few days ago, when they had thrown Rocky and Uriah to the carriage, Rocky seemed to be as weak as a cripple and even unable to move. His beast, meanwhile, seemed to have only half a breath left and looked as if it could die at any second.

Despite the fact that only a few days had passed since they were injured, Rocky and Uriah turned out to become safe and sound, as if nothing had even happened to them. It was quite surprising that they had such an amazing recovery ability, which really made the royal spirit manipulators present scratch their heads in confusion.

The Gehenna Border was the only area in the Wild Spirit Land that did not have any ownership or jurisdiction. However, since it was located in the center of the Wild Spirit Land, it tended to become a distribution center for spirit manipulators who could no longer lead a decent life. Most of them were extremely evil criminals, with strengths ranging from very strong to very weak. However, it was beyond doubt that they almost all belonged to gangsters or bandits who burned houses, killed innocent people, raped women, and committed all kinds of offenses against the laws and their fellow humans. And as a zone between several countries, it had also become a region where wars frequently occurred. Therefore, these spirit manipulators often became hired mercenaries of various countries and served the one that offered higher prices.

At the same time, there were many wild spirit-manipulated beasts in the Gehenna Border, and they were mainly war beasts. Of course, there were also extremely rare spiritual beasts among them. Due to different living areas, those wild spirit-manipulated beasts were not as strong as those found in the mysterious and miraculous place, which was only accessible to the spirit manipulators above the Heavenly Stage. However, because many scuffles took place in this area, even the weakest war beasts displayed strength that was equivalent to a spirit manipulator at the fifth-grade of the Mortal Stage. Meanwhile, the stronger ones even showed strength above the level of the Earthly Stage! Of course, there were also spiritual beasts that had an amazing growth power.

All these different factors had rendered the Gehenna Border an even more dangerous and perilous place.

It was said that if you wanted to survive in the Gehenna Border, you had to remain extremely alert at all times to keep vigilant against any danger that could come your way. What's worse, you had to become a cruel person devoid of any compassion towards others. Everyone living here met a struggle of life and death, and "the law of the jungle" was the governing policy in this forsaken place. As soon as spirit manipulators entered the Gehenna Border, they became very cautious, despite the fact that they had once been very arrogant. Along the way, they were very careful to avoid being attacked by evil spirit manipulators or wild spirit-manipulated beasts. At last, the carriage carrying Rocky and Uriah had finally reached its destination without incident. They had arrived at a small military camp stationed in the northeast side of the Gehenna Border.

One of the royal spirit manipulators showed his identification to the camp's guard, and after briefly talking with the guard, he walked back and motioned for Rocky and Uriah to get off the carriage at once. After that, the royal spirit manipulators hastily hurried off with the empty carriage.

Rocky stood in front of the military camp, patting Uriah's head as he looked around. He could see that the military camp was located in a flat and desolate area, surrounded by vast and endless land. From time to time, there were strong winds that blew in forceful gusts here, and the yellow sand would swirl into the sky and make it dark. This place was extremely desolate.

Not far ahead, Rocky could faintly see the flames of wars, as well as the defective weapons and worn armor scattering on the ground. It seemed that not long before their arrival, there had just been a fierce battle.

Just then, a middle-aged man came out of the military camp. He was dressed in a gray-blue military robe. His eyes looked smart and brimmed with radiating vigor. He had purposely grown a beard on his chin, so as to make himself look very dignified.

"You. Come with me now." He motioned for Rocky to follow him, after giving them a thorough once-over.


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