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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 120

"What the hell is this place?" Rocky cried out. This room looked like an untidy storage area rather than a place meant for anyone to live.

Rocky resisted the urge to complain some more, because he knew nothing would change even if he told Cliff Li about the conditions. After all, he was here to serve in the army, not for a vacation. He had no right or authority to demand better quality or even choose where he lived. Mind made up, he thought about how he could make the place more comfortable. Or if not comfortable, at least livable. He was no longer a prince so it was best to do with what he had rather than to appear choosy. Being choosy would only lead to questions. Questions would lead to trouble.

Rocky and Uriah started clearing up the room. Although everything was second-hand and not in very good condition, they could still make use of them. All they needed were the bare necessities for living there, so he got chairs, a desk, and a bed. He rummaged through the remainder of the stuff, kept one or two more items, and then threw out the other things for more space.

After he was done, the room was more spacious and clean. It was nothing compared to his gaudy rooms in the palace, but for now, it would do to live in. Uriah then found a spot in a corner and settled down. Soon, the beast was asleep.

Someone pounded on the door. Frowning, Rocky turned around. Two men pushed open the door and barged inside. They were young, in their twenties, a few years older than Rocky. One was taller than him while the other was shorter. They carried thin quilts and some necessities.

"I'm sorry. You are..." Rocky furrowed his brow as he regarded the men.

"Mr. Li or... ordered us to bring you some nece... necessities and tell you the rules of this military ca... camp. We live in... in the next room," stammered the shorter man.

"Got it." Rocky nodded at them. Then he pointed. "Just put the stuff there! Thanks guys!" Figuring he might as well get to know the two men, he offered them a smile and added, "What are your names?" Squinting, Rocky noticed the weak trace of spirit manipulators from them. They were at either the second or third grade of the Mortal Stage. Usually, a royal spirit manipulator would reach such a level as soon as he or she fused with a Dragon Spirit Bead, unlike ordinary spirit manipulators who had to work hard to reach that Mortal Stage.

"I'm Thor Lei," answered the taller man. Not only was he taller, but also he had a nice build to him. Muscular. Coupled with his fair features and chiseled jaw, he reminded Rocky of the Norse god—Thor, the God of Thunder. He even had a voice to match, loud, deep, and rumbling. Rocky could not help but marvel that the man's name suited him as well as it did.

The shorter man, however, hunched in on himself as he glanced at Rocky, as if he could somehow become smaller and less noticeable. Then he answered in a low voice, "My... My My name is Joss Luo." Joss was obviously the type of man who was shy around strangers.

"I'm Rocky Bai." Rocky dipped his head slightly to the two men. With the introductions out of the way, any unease fled, a sense of familiarity falling upon the room.

Thor and Joss proceeded to list the rules, reiterating the dos and don'ts until they were satisfied he understood. Rocky also got a rough idea of the military camp from them.

"We've been here for three years." Thor puffed up his chest. "So anything you need to know, we're the ones to ask."

Joss nodded. "We started our spirit manipulator paths as teenagers, and we have already come this far in cultivation." Joss' lips downturned. "But when we joined the army at that time, we didn't expect to be assigned to the Gehenna Border. This place is as desolate and remote as hell." Thor sighed, "It might as well be hell, with all the things we've seen and been through these three long years. So much death. And suffering." He shuddered, his eyes taking on a faraway look.

"The only fortunate thing is that we've been able to remain safe and in one piece. Most of the other low level spirit manipulators are either dead or missing." Thor swallowed, as if remembering some terrible ordeal. "None of the missing ones have been found."

Rocky recognized their story. It was the cruelty of the battlefield. And the way to survive under such an environment was equally brutal. Kill or be killed. Leave emotions and friendships behind or end up with your throat slit or your guts spilled.

"This is the northeast military camp," Joss said. "We are one of several camps occupying key positions of the Gehenna Border. Our duties are to defend our areas and monitor the enemies." "But this is the weakest among the camps." Thor shook his head, shoulders slumping. "And the worst in terms of the strength is its spirit manipulators. We can only deal with minor fights. Whenever a stronger enemy attacks, we have no choice but to flee if we wish to live."

Rocky frowned. "But all the military camps here are under the Crimson Dragon Group of the Holy Dragon Empire, right?" Thor nodded as adding, "There are four major army groups in the Holy Dragon Empire, including the Crimson Dragon. There's the Azure Dragon Group, which consists of the Sky Army led by General Bryant. The Rime Dragon Group consists of General Marcia's Rime Army. Last is the Prowess Dragon Group.

The main duty of the Crimson Dragon is safeguarding the Gehenna Border against the enemies from other countries." Thor continued, "In order to protect the Holy Dragon Empire from invaders, the group has to be ever vigilant and always on guard." To adequately do the job, the headquarters of the Crimson Dragon was set up in Draco City near the Gehenna Border. But this had created a problem for camps like this one.

"The spirit manipulators in this camp, who display outstanding abilities and quick progress in cultivation, have the chance to get a promotion. It's also possible for those special spirit manipulators to work at the headquarters," Thor said as excitement lit up in his eyes.


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