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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 123

Though he was only able to peep at her profile, Rocky was captivated by the amazing smile of the girl in front of him. Looking at her adorable smile, he was fascinated as if staring at the starry sky. Having been networking in a wheeling-and-dealing Palace City for such a long time, it was the first time that he got to see such a heartfelt smile. She looked purely happy. There was innocence in that smile which reminded him of a new-born baby.

A pair of special upturned eyes, perfectly matched her gracefully crafted face. Her skin was pretty tanned yet she looked gorgeous.

Rocky guessed that she was in her early twenties - the prime of her life. As a beautiful young girl, her existence in this remote place was like a precious treasure of its kind.

'Who is she?' Bewitched by her charm, Rocky could not stop wondering.

Roar! Uriah too seemed to be as fascinated by her as its master. It got too excited and growled.

If Uriah had not made that reckless growl, Rocky might have been able to continue enjoying the beautiful moment. But now, the whole thing was disturbed.

The beauty saw a man and a spirit-manipulated beast outside the beast stall. Both of them - the man and the beast - were staring at her. She could feel that they were watching her with great interest. She felt quite upset by the way they were checking on her. Thus, she could not help looking down.

"Ah..." The beautiful girl screamed in consternation. She reached out to a red mantle that was hanging beside her and swung her body so that it would be wrapped by the mantle instantly.

The war dragon beside her also roared as she screamed. It looked ferociously at Rocky, but it was reined in by the beauty and got down on his stomach.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" The beauty wrapped the mantle closely to her body and queried Rocky, who stood outside the beast stall. Rage flushed over her pretty eyes. Instantly, Rocky could feel that she was a powerful spirit manipulator.

"She must be at least above the fifth level of the Earthly Stage." Rocky judged her cultivation base by sensing the spiritual power. He could not stop being surprised at the power she possessed, though she was so young.

"Me? Oh, I'm just a rookie. I was looking for someone who works in this beast stall... I did not intend to stare at you. I just walked in accidentally!" Rocky felt that the beautiful girl might mistake him as a peeping Tom, so he explained himself to her.

"You have to forget whatever you saw. Otherwise..." The beauty threatened. She looked dignified as she warned Rocky. But Rocky had met outstanding women earlier like Marcia and Mia. He had the experience of working with them. He had got a lot of deadly threats from Marcia and endured daily torturous training session with Mia. Having been quite familiar with their awe-inspiring orders and warnings, he was quite undisturbed by the beauty's warning.

"OK," Rocky responded indifferently.

Probably it was Rocky's undisturbed response that silenced the beauty. She had not expected such a calm reply to her warning. So she did not say anything and clapped for her war dragon. Having in a quick peep at Rocky, she disappeared from the other end of the beast stall.

Rocky curled his lips in surprise. He looked at the dark green war dragon and wondered how there was such a war dragon in this small military camp. Because this one was a scarce spirit-manipulated beast, even in the Palace City, he could only see a few of its kind.

However, only spirit manipulators above the level of Heavenly Stage could control this war dragon. So he knew that there must be masters above the Heavenly Stage in this small military camp.

But what Rocky cared the most was the beauty. Since she was in the military camp, and was so friendly with the war dragon. One possibility due to which she was able to get along with it was that she was the master of the war dragon. If not that, at least she must have been the close friend of the master of the war dragon. Or maybe she was the daughter of the master of the war dragon.

In order to drive away his boredom, Rocky tried to analyze and infer her background casually. Suddenly, an old man's voice came from his back, "Why are you standing here? No one is allowed to come close to this beast stable."

Rocky looked back and there stood an old man behind him. He was about fifty years old with a hunchback and hair graying at the temples. His face was all crinkled but shrewd in a strange manner.

"Sorry. I did not know that." Rocky apologized.


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