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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 122

At that precise moment, Evan suddenly walked towards Rocky. His footsteps were heavy and ominous. Thor and Joss watched the scene unfold and both couldn't help but worry for Rocky. They thought, 'Oh, no! Rocky is in so much trouble now. Evan must have been angry at what Rocky said, so he is going to teach him a lesson. If Rocky is lucky enough, he may get out of this alive with minimal injuries. However, if he is unlucky, he may end up seriously injured with broken arms and legs.' In the military camp, it was common to see a senior officer punish a soldier with a lower title. It was not something they could question or complain about.

Meanwhile, the spirit manipulators from the other squads around Rocky gathered closely and looked at the scene wide-eyed. They stood there still with curiosity and anticipation, wondering what might happen next.

"Hey, you brat! Today is your unlucky day!" Matthew said maliciously, flashing his teeth with a wicked smile. He enjoyed the situation where Rocky was going to suffer.

"Are you a newcomer?" Evan stopped in front of Rocky, looked him up and down, and asked in a quite arrogant manner. He was projecting his dominance by intimidating him.

However, unlike many who had cowered beneath his feet, Rocky did not pay attention to him. Rocky remained silent and decided to walk away.

Evan was enraged and insulted by Rocky's indifference. He was a celebrity in this northeast military camp and no one dared to ignore him. Rocky's actions completely stunned him. He didn't expect a newcomer would ignore him so bluntly and so carelessly. He was humiliated and his reputation ruined because of that insolent man. His face contorted. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes grew sharp. In an instant, he reached out his hand to grab Rocky's shoulders. Although this movement seemed to be very casual, he actually filled a hidden spiritual force in his movement. If a spirit manipulator at the low grade of the Mortal Stage was grabbed by him on the shoulder, the least damage that could happen was that his shoulder would be dislocated. The worst case was that he could be injured for ten days to about half a month.

When the other spirit manipulators saw Evan's movement, they couldn't help but look at Rocky, who didn't seem to notice that Evan was to grab him. They were sure that Rocky would have to suffer the next second.

Thor and Joss were even more stunned when they saw Evan's hostile movement. Unfortunately, it was already too late to alert Rocky of the impending danger.

However, what happened next astounded everyone watching the scene. When Evan was about an inch away from Rocky's shoulder, Rocky swiftly steered his walking direction. He did it so nonchalantly as if he anticipated it from the beginning. As a result, he avoided Evan's grasp in time.

Everything happened so quickly. Gasps could be heard from the audience as they found themselves struck by amazement. Clearly, no one anticipated that Rocky would be able to dodge the attack.

Even Evan himself didn't think that he would miss grabbing Rocky. His eyes grew wide from bewilderment. He was convinced that it was impossible for Rocky to detect his intention based on Rocky's low cultivation base. Also, no matter how he comprehended the early situation, he always felt that Rocky's turn was just a casual move. Yet, the situation didn't seem accidental which left him puzzled. Was there really such a coincidence in the world?

Without waiting for them to react, Rocky had already gone far, leaving the remaining spirit manipulators to their thoughts. They kept wondering how he could have avoided Evan's grab. In the end, they settled with only one possibility: Evan showed Rocky mercy at the last moment.

Realizing that Rocky was all right, Thor and Joss immediately sighed with relief and hurriedly chased after him.

"Captain, why didn't you teach him a lesson just now..." Matthew asked hesitantly. Evidently, like others, he also held the same idea that Rocky was not hurt because Evan showed Rocky mercy.

"He is just a piece of garbage. It doesn't matter much to teach him a lesson. So I just let him go today." Evan, who knew it was because he missed catching Rocky not because of his mercy, immediately pretended to be generous, and deliberately raised his tone in an eager effort to save his face.

Other spirit manipulators listened to him and believed his every word. Otherwise, they really couldn't think of other possibilities.

After Evan finished speaking, his attention fell on Rocky's receding figure. He felt that Rocky seemed a bit odd.

"Rocky, that was so risky just now. If it is not for Evan's mercy this time, you're going to suffer a lot," Joss, who caught up with Rocky, said at once, his heart still fluttering with fear.

"Yeah, Joss is right. Next time when you see anyone from the first squad, you'd better avoid them from far away," Thor said sincerely.

Rocky just threw a glance at the two people, and a cold sneer curled at the corner of his mouth. They didn't know that he was able to avoid Evan's trick only by his own cultivation base. It wasn't out of Evan's mercy, as many of them believed. He had already anticipated what would happen. The moment Evan tried to grab him, he was already aware of his trick, and so he had enough time to dodge it. But seemingly, he was simply lucky to avoid the grab.

As soon as the three of them reached the end of the training ground, they saw several other spirit manipulators whose cultivation base was similar to that of Thor and Joss. They looked unenergetic as they stood there lazily.


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