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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 125

The sixth squad had been following the fifth squad for a few moments. It didn't take the latter a lot of time to realize that they were being followed. All of a sudden, all the members of the fifth squad increased their marching speed drastically to get rid of whoever was following them. The strength of the spirit manipulators in the fifth squad was not bad. As soon as they traveled at their full speed, they were able to get rid of the sixth squad, whose strength ranked at the bottom of all the squads. The sixth squad felt as if in the blink of an eye, the fifth squad had disappeared into the dense forest. They had missed their target and were now at a loss.

"Damn it! The fifth squad is so shrewd. They must be thinking of finishing the task single-handedly so that they could get the merit alone. They are not chivalrous at all!" Zander swore angrily. He was ignoring the fact that to fish in troubled water and get the merits, he was deliberately following the fifth squad. 'How could he swear against others like that? He was also among those kind of people!' his subordinates thought stealthily.

"Captain, what should we do now?" a spirit manipulator of the sixth squad asked blankly as he looked around at the large and dense forest. He was totally confused like the others, about what they should do next. So he had to ask his captain. After all, they needed a leader to lead them and plan out their next move.

"You are asking me what we should do now, are you? Of course, we will continue the search on our own. Actually, I wanted to give the fifth squad an opportunity to pave the way in front of us. Who knew that these guys are so ignorant that they would waive away such a good opportunity! Hmm! Let's wait and see. We, the members of the sixth squad, must be the first one to finish the task and find the spirit-manipulated beast. Then, they will regret profoundly for not catching the opportunity," Zander said in an irritated tone. The fact was that he was just bragging. Though he was weak and mindless, he had to pretend to be strong and smart in front of his subordinates. Throwing a cold glance in the direction where the fifth squad had disappeared, he took his spirit-manipulated beast and began to walk in a random direction aimlessly.

Rocky, who was at the end of his squad, saw his captain behave like that and frowned slightly. He had realized that Zander had a terrible sense of direction and that he was not smart enough to lead the squad to finish the task at all. Moreover, he was not quite familiar with the paths in the dense Maze Forest, where they all stood now. If he continued to lead the way like that, Rocky was afraid that the entire squad would be completely lost. But he didn't stop him, or did he say anything to the others. With his current power, which he was hiding deliberately, he was confident that he could protect himself from any harm if he was in danger. No matter how special or difficult the circumstances would be, he could deal with any emergency. Thus, he just kept silent and wanted to see what would happen next.

Despite his confidence, he was still very cautious and left an obscure mark on a big tree beside him by touching its trunk casually when everyone was not paying attention to him. If Zander lost the direction later, the mark might be helpful. Quietly, under the leadership of Zander, whom Rocky believed to be a mediocre and incompetent captain, he continued to march forward.

The random direction that Zander picked was towards the center of the Maze Forest. As they kept walking deeper into the forest, they saw that all the trees were towering and lush. They thickly covered the space above their heads. As a result, the light in the forest was growing dimmer and they could only see the sky in between the spaces which the foliage made. They felt that within the forest it was getting darker than the outside world. The deeper they walked into the Maze Forest, the dimmer the light became. They ended up with poor visibility. After a little while, they could only see the things within three meters distance. They had to walk more slowly and carefully. The weeds around them were about as half tall as an adult, and the vegetation was also flourishing. They felt as if they were now exploring deeper into a mysterious virgin forest.

Fortunately, except Rocky, all the other spirit manipulators of the sixth squad brought their own spirit-manipulated beasts. Therefore, they simply let the spirit-manipulated beasts found out the way for them first. They just followed their beasts.

Gradually, the surrounding area around them became completely silent. Only occasionally, there were screams of beasts and worms. Those eerie sounds coupled with the dark and dim light gave them a gruesome feeling, as if they were walking in the jungle at night.

At once, the sixth squad, which was still marching forward, noticed that at the side about two meters away, there was a strange rustling of branches and leaves, as if something was about to jump out of somewhere. A few spirit-manipulated beasts, which were standing ahead of the squad, were also roaring anxiously with teeth bared and claws outspread, to meet whatever would come at them, even if it was something very dangerous. The abrupt sound after the silence was rather terrifying. Consequently, all the spirit manipulators of the sixth squad, except Rocky, were taken aback. They jumped to their feet and immediately took all kinds of weird postures. Afraid that they were to confront a formidable enemy, they looked quite uneasy.

As the rustling sound grew louder, everyone was so alarmed that they geared themselves to fight against whatever it was. The next moment, their attacking actions stopped abruptly because they saw a cute, white rabbit come out from the thick branches and leaves. After a taunting and innocent look at the members of the sixth squad in front, it turned around and leaped away in the other direction.

"Damn it! It turned out to be a rabbit. How dare you taunt us like that! Be careful! Next time I see you, I'll roast you alive," Zander yelled as the rabbit left, leaping away. After he found out that it was just a rabbit, he felt greatly relieved. But his body showed what he was going through, for his forehead was already full of beads of sweat. It clearly exposed his extreme uneasiness a few moments ago.

The other spirit manipulators also breathed a sigh of relief at that precise moment. Perhaps because it was the first time they had come to perform such a task. They looked indifferently, but the fact remained that they were extremely nervous deep inside.

"Since you are so afraid of death, I think it's better for us to go back earlier. If you really get hurt in this task, it's really not worth it," Rocky said with a cold sneer. Instead of wasting time and energy in finishing the so-called task with these cowards, he felt that it was better for him to go back and continue his secret cultivation, which he believed would be more meaningful and helpful to improve his strength.


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