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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 126

"Hey, you brat! What makes you have the nerve to say that? It's said that every corner of the Maze Forest is full of danger. Who knows what will pop up abruptly the next second! Are you not afraid?" Zander shouted loudly at Rocky on hearing his words. After being sneered by Rocky, Zander felt that as the captain, he was being challenged and would lose his face if he didn't show his authority.

Rocky continued to ignore Zander's words and went straight ahead.

"You... you..." Zander stumbled over words. Rocky's action at the moment showed that he didn't really regard him as the captain. Zander immediately was in great fury and gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to swallow Rocky alive.

"Captain, in fact, Rocky is the one who is the most afraid among us, or he would not have said anything like that. I guess he wants to go back and find a place to hide. You are a very tolerant captain. There is no need to be exasperated with him. He didn't mean it. Please do forgive him, captain!" Thor and Joss rushed to solve the trouble caused by Rocky.

"Of course I know that. Never mind! I am the captain, and I'll just let it go," Zander said, pretending to be a generous leader. He stared at Rocky's back with hatred as he walked away. He continued to pave the way by his spirit-manipulated beast and followed Rocky with other spirit manipulators.

A few seconds later, Rocky suddenly furrowed his brows and stopped moving forward. Zander, who had caught up with Rocky now, almost ran into him due to his sudden stop.

"Hey, what are you doing? Why did you stop so abruptly? You brat is again challenging my authority. My patience for you is wearing out. After we go back to our camp, I must teach you a good lesson, in case you would be so arrogant again!" Zander burst out angrily. He was greatly irritated by Rocky's weird behavior and actions.

At that particular moment, a horrible scream echoed around. A flock of birds in the forest was startled and they began to fly away at full speed as if to save their lives. Zander and the other spirit manipulators were instantly horrified. Their face turned as white as paper. They hurriedly huddled together and scanned around with terrified looks on their faces. They wondered, 'Where did the terrible scream come from?' As their imagination began getting wild, their hands and feet started to tremble violently because of fear.

At that point, a spirit-manipulated beast from the sixth squad seemed to smell something. Suddenly it ran fast in one direction. Rocky who was staying in situ and wondering what had just happened, immediately followed the spirit-manipulated beast. He knew that it must have detected something strange. He wanted to find out who had made that horrible sound.

The remaining spirit manipulators of the sixth squad looked at each other with fear and amazement. But in the end, they felt that staying in situ would be more dangerous. They could do nothing so they decided to follow Rocky. They ran after him as fast as they could.

After they had run a little distance, they found Rocky in front of them and they stopped again.

It was clear that Zander was annoyed again. He believed that Rocky's weird move was just to show himself off and that he was behaving as if he was the captain of the sixth squad. Just when he was going to scold Rocky for his actions, he saw Rocky move away. Without Rocky blocking their view, he and the other spirit manipulators saw a scene that was extremely terrible.

At a distance of a few steps far from them, the spirit-manipulated beast that had just led them to this place was squatting. Meanwhile, a spirit manipulator in a military gown, whose face was completely ruined, lay on the bloody grass in front of them. It was gruesome to see that half of his body was missing, which was exposing his sternum. The portion from his chest to a part of his stomach was completely cut open by some kind of sharp weapon. His internal organs were gone, with only some fragments, and a few pieces of badly mutilated intestines left hanging outside his body. Adding to this scene, the spirit manipulator's body was still oozing yellowish liquid, which was stinky.

Never had the spirit manipulators of the sixth squad witnessed such a cruel scene before. One by one, except Rocky, all of them began to tremble. They were frightened by the scene. They could not be blamed for that. After all, they were all simple people who had never joined or seen a real battle before. Their faces looked deadly pale and they seemed to be ready to vomit at any time. Three or four of them had already started vomiting so hard that it looked like they would vomit bile out of their stomach due to the rancid smell wafting around in the place and the horrible sight in front of them.

While others were distraught by the scene, Rocky was numb with shock at the sight. Still, he regained his composure quickly and looked at Zander, who stood beside him and was extremely pale. "Can you find out which squad this man is from?" Rocky asked Zander.

Zander was feeling extremely sick at that time and was filled with horror. When Rocky asked him about the dead man, he suddenly came back to his senses and realized that the members of the sixth squad could also meet a similar fate in the forest. Holding his horror back, he took a closer look at the military gown of the corpse. Then he said, "It could be a person of the third squad."

"No! Wait! You are not the captain, I am the captain... Why should I answer your questions?" Zander yelled at once. When he finished answering Rocky's question, for a moment he had felt as if Rocky was the captain. So he spoke in frustration. 'It looks like as long as I stand beside Rocky, I always feel that he is the leader unconsciously, ' Zander thought stealthily and felt quite depressed.

Once again, his words were ignored. In such a crisis, he had to swallow his pride. "Based on the average strength of each spirit manipulator of the third squad, the beast that could attack this man must be a very powerful one. It must surpass the spirit manipulator at least at the sixth grade of the Mortal Stage. It is very fierce, brutal, aggressive, and could be foraging in the forest now." Rocky immediately put forward his judgment based on his observation of the corpse.

Listening to Rocky's words, the spirit manipulators present there, looked even more pale and sick. Their bodies all trembled in fear and apprehension. It was the first time they got to see such a terrible scene. The sight before them and Rocky's conclusion about the beast made them shudder with fear. They were afraid that they had high chances of being trapped in great danger from that moment on...


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