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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 128

"Let's go. He must be doomed to die going alone in that direction. We are safe because we have so many team members united together," Zander sneered and led the rest of the spirit manipulators to the direction he had pointed. He felt victorious because his team members obediently followed the path he chose.

But, under the guidance of Zander, they soon came back to the crossroad where they separated with Rocky. It seemed they just circled around in the area. The spirit manipulators felt scared and confused.

"Captain, it seems we are lost. It would be better if we let the spirit-manipulated beast to find the correct way," Thor said.

"Who said we are lost? It was just a little deviation of my memory. It is actually this way," Zander cursed and guided the team to another direction. His pride was too high to admit that he was wrong. He led the team and hoped that they were really following the right way.

However, upon entering that direction, it was like another maze. The paths were complicated and barely visible. They could not distinguish the way and they lost sight of everything that was a yard away. The area was completely surrounded by a dense fog.

Suddenly, under the cover of the dense fog, a quiet black shadow appeared. Its sharp red eyes stared at the sixth unit who strayed in the fog.

"Captain, where are we now? How are we supposed to get out of this place?" several timid spirit manipulators were already frightened. They questioned their team leader's decision as if they regretted to follow Zander. They scanned their surroundings but they could barely see anything with the thick fog shrouding their view.

"What are you pushing me for? I'm the captain of the team. Is it possible for me to lead you to the wrong way? All you have to do is to trust me and follow me!" Even as Zander yelled at his team members angrily to defend himself, he was now extremely worried. He can't distinguish the way, let alone walk out of the area.

Meanwhile, their spirit-manipulated beasts kept quivering ever since they entered this area. Their legs were numb as they staggered along the way, as if they were terrified of something. He realized he could not count on these beasts to find the way out.

The sixth unit wandered under highly charged and frightening emotions in the dense fog area. But no matter which way they tried to proceed, they never moved an inch towards the exit. In fact, they felt they never moved at all from where they were in the first place. They just kept walking around the same area.

After a moment, Zander almost fell on his face as he stumbled on something on the ground. He was about to swear but frozen when he saw what almost tripped him. It was a bloody body. It seemed as if he was horribly tortured before he was put to death. His clothes were all torn up, his body was mutilated beyond recognition, and the whole floor was covered with a pool of blood. More importantly, he had the military robe of the fifth unit. Other spirit manipulators quivered from tremendous horror.

The spirit manipulators from the third and fifth team were all assaulted successively. If it were mere coincidences, then it would be too farfetched.


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