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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 129

Zander looked pretty disappointed when Rocky, who he thought that had already left, appeared in front of his face again. "I have told you before," Zander sneered. "You're scared of being alone. Why else would you follow us stealthily?"

Rocky seemed agitated with what Zander said and reacted as soon as the latter finished talking. He lunged at Zander and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He radiated a different kind of air, which Zander did not fail to notice. He was instantly surrounded by Rocky's new aura and his eyes could not believe how Rocky had changed at the drop of a hat.

"If it were not for me, a man could have lost his life! If you want us to get out of here alive, you should learn how to shut that mouth of yours. Things have turned around. Instead of us looking for the spirit-manipulated beast, we are now the ones being hunted down. It's a trap. Is that clear now?" Rocky said firmly as he stared at Zander with anger in his eyes.

Zander was shocked by Rocky's sudden outburst that he just stood frozen for a moment. The Rocky that was standing in front of him was different from the one he knew. Rocky used to be timid. Now, he seemed to have transformed in an instant and became someone powerful. Zander finally realized what happened and was left with no choice but to nod his head with fear.

After witnessing such a sight, the other spirit manipulators like Thor and Joss were dumbfounded. And rightfully so. They could have never imagined the meek Rocky would be able to pull a stunt like that. Nobody expected Rocky to be the one to stand up to Zander, shut him up, and make him listen. They never thought of him to be that courageous and capable.

"Rocky, you said that the spirit-manipulated beast is hunting us. Why would it do such a thing?" Thor could not help but ask.

"I don't know. I am not sure about the reason. Maybe the spirit-manipulated beast knew that we came hunting for it, so it is now trying to fend for itself. What I am sure of is that it is a smart and a definitely powerful one. It seems like we became its target the very moment we entered the Maze Forest," Rocky explained.

The reason Rocky was suddenly with Zander's group was the dead body he found. When he went back to the right path, he discovered the corpse of a spirit manipulator that belonged in the third team. He was reminded of an earlier occurrence and was able to put two and two together. That spirit manipulator's death was not an accident. It was intended. They were being attacked deliberately. The earlier incident and the newly discovered body helped Rocky reach the conclusion that the entire Maze Forest had become the spirit-manipulated beast's hunting ground, and the spirit manipulators were the prey.

It was just in time when Rocky realized the original route was no longer safe to pass through and he turned back right away. Before long, he just caught sight of the members of the sixth team who circled back to the place they originated from. He shadowed them as he contemplated whether or not his assumption was true.

His hunch was confirmed when he witnessed what happened to the sixth team. He was not sure of the spirit-manipulated beast's capabilities but it was skilled enough to hurt more than one spirit manipulator at the sixth grade of the Mortal Stage. Rocky knew the beast was not weak at all.

"Does that mean we are all in danger?" Joss asked as fear crept on his face. 'Even the spirit manipulators of the third team and the fifth team were not match for this spirit-manipulated beast, ' he pondered thoughtfully. 'If we were to cross paths with it, death will surely come for us.'


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