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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 137

Much to Marin's chagrin, she was beginning to realize that she had shot herself in the foot by promoting Rocky as the team leader. His polished sarcasm rhetoric really embarrassed her. However, she couldn't do anything at the moment. After all, she had just promoted him. It would be strange for her to downgrade him immediately only because he pissed her off in front of other people. That would cause a plethora of suspicions which would result in a more complexly difficult situation.

"What kind of a secret is this guy trying so hard to hide?" Marin was not stupid. She could sense that Rocky had something secret that he tried to conceal from other people. How did he end up being sent into exile to this kind of dangerous border? Marin was curious about these hidden aspects of his history and was eager to figure it all out.

After Rocky left the camp of the commander, he saw Evan surrounded by a crowd of followers who were all kissing up to him. Evan had distinguished himself in the execution of the task they just participated in. What they were doing now was not unexpected. Rocky could not help but laugh to himself as he caught sight of the fawning crowds.

Evan recognized Rocky, and stopped abruptly, smiling at him. "Hah, congratulations! As a rookie who had arrived in the military camp for just a few days, it is a surprise to have ascended to the position as a team leader."

"If you like, I'm ready to step down for you to fill the void," Rocky replied in his calm manner. He was really talented at sarcasm.

"Well, that's very generous of you. But, no, thank you. It is only befitting for the kind of talent like you. You have to be good enough to be the leader of a rubbish team," Evan replied with a sullen face.

"Oh, Why! It kind of reminds me of the famous fable 'The Fox and the Grapes'! I'm sorry if you're heartbroken to realize that you will never be as good as me!" Rocky guffawed loudly before departing abruptly and gracefully.

Evan burst into a fury as Rocky ended the conversation. In an uncontrollable rage, he shouted at Rocky's back, "Who the hell do you think you are? You lowly bastard! Let's wait and see how long can you keep that arrogant manner! Never forget what I said today. Sooner or later, I will make you crawl before me to lick my shoes!"

When Rocky returned to his room, he saw that little Rubygon was finally able to stand on its own feet. But it was not that strong and still teetered precariously. It kept hopping under Uriah's belly, crying out in a tender voice from time to time. Uriah did not seem to understand what little Rubygon need, but could only leave it hopping under its abdomen.

"Little Rubygon must have been very hungry." Rocky approached the little Rubygon beside the bed and cuddled it. He looked at it for a few seconds and talked to Uriah, "I think we need to find a wet-nurse for this little fellow."

Uriah roared and jumped down from the bed immediately.

Subsequently, a man and a beast holding little Rubygon snuck stealthily out of the military camp.

There was a small village of about twenty to thirty families several miles to the east of the military camp.

A strange man and a beast showed up outside the village. They had come to find a wet-nurse for their little creature.

However, Rocky noticed a strange phenomenon. At the sight of the three of them, the villagers who were busy in the field grew frightened, trembling visibly. They cuddled their own children and ran home immediately as if they would do something bad to them.

"What the hell is going on here? Am I so bad looking that all the people are frightened by my look?" Rocky could not help but wonder. He looked around the whole village, and found a sheepfold at the left corner of the village. He caught sight of some moving sheep inside. He walked directly to that way. He could see that those windows of the village house were slightly opened, as if people inside the house were peeping at him.

"Excuse me. Whose sheepfold is this? I would like to ask for some sheep's milk," Rocky asked immediately in a loud voice, nearing the building. Because he saw a house near the sheepfold, he thought the family must be in charge of this sheepfold. But not one person replied to him after a few minutes of waiting.

Rocky knew he would not get an answer from the owner any soon. So he entered the sheepfold himself and let Uriah stay outside.

Since there were only several sheep in the sheepfold, most of them lambs, so it was very easy for him to recognize the ewe in the flock. Rocky held little Rubygon and put it beside the ewe, before retreating for some distance and settling himself at a corner.


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