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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 138

After chatting with the old man for a while, Rocky found out that the old man's name was Jackson Chen. That girl he met, was his granddaughter, Sue Chen. People in these villages had lived here for generations. Even though it was dangerous to live here at the Gehenna Border, they had already become accustomed to living under constant crisis and the burning flame of war.

While Rocky was talking to the old man, Sue Chen noticed that little Rubygon had begun drinking milk from a goat. Admiring his tiny chubby body, Sue Chen couldn't help but smile. "It is so cute!" She came forward almost involuntarily and touched it gently with her fingers. Seeing that little Rubygon wasn't averse to her touch, she took it up in her arms delicately.

"Sue, don't touch someone else's..." Jackson Chen tried to stop her.

"It'll be okay." Rocky looked at Sue Chen with a smile on his face and said, "Its name is Rubygon."

"I did not ask you!" As her expressions gave away, Sue Chen was obviously not fond of Rocky. She glared at him as if to make him back off and hugged little Rubygon even tighter. She immediately turned to little Rubygon. "So your name is Rubygon. You are very adorable, but you have such a terrible name. Why don't we just call you Mimi? Do you like this name, my little love?"

Rocky instinctively laughed. He thought to himself, 'Ha-ha! Mimi sounds like a cat's name!'

"Rocky, unfortunately, I have spoiled my granddaughter too much. I apologize for her rude behavior. Please, don't mind her," Jackson Chen said apologetically.

Rocky waved his head actively to assure him he wasn't hurt. He also let Sue Chen play with little Rubygon for a while. But when the time was almost up, he said goodbye to both of them and left with Rubygon.

Half a month passed by in the blink of an eye.

Although Rocky was named captain of the sixth team, the crew was largely idle except for vain routine patrols. It felt like he was named captain just for the sake of it.

Dejected and upset, Rocky spent most of his time in his own cultivation. However, the cultivation of the Earthly Stage had not been as easy as that of the Mortal Stage. In spite of the additional aid of the magical saliva, the progress had still been very slow.

Compared to himself, little Rubygon grew much faster. This was because Rocky fed it a little magical saliva every day to speed up its growth. Around two weeks later, Rubygon had developed the basic form imitating its parents. It exuded strength and honesty. More importantly, it seemed to be around the same size as Uriah before.


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