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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 142

Rocky contemplated as he saw that the path could only allow for the passage of one carriage at a time, with perilous cliffs on both sides. He then turned to the spirit manipulators of the sixth squad and commanded, "Each three of you push a carriage of supply through here. I will handle the last one myself."

"Captain, how could we trouble you with such hard labor? Let us handle this!" The spirit manipulators from the sixth squad thought Rocky was trying to test their loyalty to him and volunteered to relieve him of his load.

"Cut the chitchat. Let's roll." Rocky stared at them coldly, hurrying them to carry out his order.

Rocky was the leader of the sixth squad, so the spirit manipulators had to follow his orders without question. They split up into groups of two, each group in charge of one carriage, and pushed the two carriages through the narrow path. Rocky and Uriah were left with the supply carriage at the rear.

All of a sudden, the quiet tranquility of the area was broken with the thundering sound of a giant rolling stone that emerged from one side of the cliff. It came tumbling down with great force, sending debris everywhere. Finally, it landed right on the narrow path and blocked its passage completely. If Rocky had not stayed behind with Uriah and the last supply carriage, they would have been killed. Fortunately, the rest of the sixth squad made it through the pass smoothly.

The rest of the squad turned to the sound immediately and saw that the narrow path that they had just taken was blocked by a huge rock with their leader stuck behind it. They panicked instantly at this development as they had never encountered anything like this before. Without Rocky commanding them, they had no idea how to deal with the situation at hand.

"Have we just walked into a trap by the enemy? The squad leader is stuck behind. Let's not panic, keep calm, and try to remove the stone first. Then we will act on squad leader's command." Thor found all this happening too fast, and felt as though something about this was off. He attempted to calm his companions down and prevent further panic. If they had indeed been targeted by some hostile force, it would be the worst-case scenario for both Rocky and the rest of the squad as they had been separated. Divided and conquered!

All the spirit manipulators rapidly began to lose their composure. But they tried to steel their nerves. They found Thor's suggestion to be sensible and set to push away the giant stone to clear the path so that Rocky could make it through and join them for the rest of the journey.

Rocky, on the other side of the stone, was standing next to the carriage, arms folded to his chest and looking indifferent to his surroundings. Uriah crouched down next to him. Both Rocky and his war beast were quite calm about the situation unfurling before them. They were not scared or terrified by the stone that had come out of blue. It was as though they had been expecting this very thing to happen.

Before long, three figures emerged from the cliff and landed in front of Rocky.


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