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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 141

After arriving at the meeting place which was about two miles west of the military camp, Rocky saw that the sixth squad's spirit manipulators were all gathered there, with only three of them carrying their own spirit-manipulated beasts. The remaining spirit manipulators' beasts, including Thor's and Joss's, all had disappeared last time during the incident in the Maze Forest. It was believed that the missing beasts could have been eaten alive by the wild spirit-manipulated beasts in the Maze Forest.

However, in Rocky's opinion, those spirit-manipulated beasts were just low grade wild war beasts that they were not of much value. It wouldn't be a pity if they were lost.

"Captain…" as soon as Thor saw Rocky, he called. He let out a smile and looked as if he were relieved to see him. They were about to carry out a task. Without Rocky's lead, Thor was unsure how to do it.

Uriah, Rocky's war beast, whose appearance looked fancy and whose personality was awesome, immediately caught the attention of the remaining spirit manipulators and their eyes brightened.

Except for Thor and Joss, the other spirit manipulators of the sixth squad had not seen Uriah before. They gathered around the beast and stared at it with curiosity and fascination in their eyes. Uriah was much bigger than other spirit-manipulated beasts. At the same time, it also looked as dynamic as a tiger and full of momentum. Nobody would regard it as a low-grade spirit-manipulated beast.

"Captain, is this your spirit-manipulated beast? Wow, it looks so cool!"

"I guess it is a two-star war beast? It is so amazing!"

"What does it usually eat? It's hard to believe that a war beast can grow so big..."

The spirit manipulators immediately surrounded Rocky and Uriah and said one after another. They threw him so many questions about his beast. Rocky knew that they were flattering him and his war beast. However, he was not at all amused. He did not like the crowded space nor the endless questions.

"Stop the idle chatter!" Rocky snarled. He looked around with his cold eyes, and immediately the other spirit manipulators were intimidated and zipped their lips. He didn't like being flattered as he believed it was just useless.

"Set out now." Rocky withdrew his eyes and gave the order simply. Obviously, he had already established authority among his subordinates.

Soon afterwards, the sixth squad set out and escorted three carts of provisions and fodder to the outpost at the west side of the front line.

The route to the outpost was divided into three parts. The first part was a winding canyon with its surrounding areas undulating. It was a place where the wild spirit-manipulated beasts seldom showed up, so this part could be thought as a quite safe place. It was free from the attacks of wild beasts. However, from time to time, some robbers who were also spirit manipulators would show up there and rob those who passed by of all their possessions.

Although they were notorious robbers, they definitely knew better than to act rashly and rob the army. They weren't stupid enough to make them their enemy. If they did that, the robbers knew they would be hunted down by the army.

After a long walk, the sixth squad entered the canyon area.

Meanwhile, on a rugged hidden mountain road in the canyon, three figures were sneaking behind it. They spotted Rocky and his squad passing by.

"The soldiers who are escorting the provisions and fodder look a lot weaker than those we have seen before. They are all spirit manipulators at the second or third grade of the Mortal Stage. It looks like they are all weaklings. I think the army really looks down upon us, the Three Powers at the Gehenna Border!" one of the fat beefy men snapped. His face and body were all sagged.

"Yes, you are right! We haven't seen any passersby for a few days. We are out of money now. If we don't rob them today, we will starve to death," another man who was tall, bald and sporting a long face went on.

"Stop babbling! They are soldiers from the military camp of the Holy Dragon Empire. If we offended them, we would land ourselves in serious trouble," said the last man who seemed to be their leader. The scar on his left forehead made him look a little ferocious, but he covered it on purpose with a handful of bangs which made him look quite grotesque.

"If we start it, we shall go to any lengths to kill them all. With your strength at the fourth grade of the Mortal Stage, coupled with our strength at the third grade of the Mortal Stage, it will be so easy for us to kill them all together," said the bald man.

"That's true. We've been suppressed many times by the army from the Holy Dragon Empire before, and although we escaped from their suppression every time, it has always been annoying. Finally, this time, we have a chance to take revenge. Anyway, have our pitfalls been set up?" asked the man with a scar.

"Yes, they have been well-prepared long time ago," the fat man said proudly.

"Alright then. Let's wait and see. We'll make a killing this time," the man with a scar said wickedly. He rubbed his hands in anticipation. He was confident that he and his other two companions could kill all the low-grade soldiers and steal all of their possessions. This was the big break they were waiting for. Plus, they would finally be able to eat a decent meal.


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