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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 147

Rocky, with Uriah by his side, was fighting vehemently against a huge wild beast. Coming from the other side of the wild place were Marin and other spirit manipulators. They came with an intention of lending Rocky a hand with this certain battle.

'Shit! This is one thick-skinned beast. Even my treasured dagger could barely inflict damage. Such a beautiful dagger from the beautiful General Marcia. It could be one of those pesky armored spirit-manipulated beasts, ' Rocky thought to himself. After fighting against the armored spirit-manipulated beast several times, Rocky felt a little tired and stepped a few paces back to analyze the battlefield. With the Frozen Wind Dagger on one hand, he breathlessly formulated a strategy. As he has doing this, Uriah diverted the armored spirit-manipulated beast's attention from its master. It was able to restrain the wild beast from attacking Rocky.

This certain armored spirit-manipulated beast was of the second grade of three-star level. Its capabilities were at par with a spirit manipulator on the fifth grade of the Earthly Stage. Its defensive capabilities were superior to its offense capabilities. Its iron armor made it difficult to inflict damage. The Frozen Wind Dagger was made of an ancient dragon bone. Even when combined with spiritual power, it was still ineffective against the beast's armor. Rocky knew for a fact that he was not strong enough to defeat this armored wild spirit-manipulated beast. If he were on the fourth grade of the Earthly Stage, however, he could have gotten through its armor with the Frozen Wind Dagger.

He could not defeat this beast in a face-to-face combat. He could only defeat it by using his wits and a strategy. He quickly analyzed the battlefield and tried not to miss any detail. Every creature had a weakness, and Rocky was sure of that. This includes humans, animals, and even these spirit-manipulated beasts. It did not make sense for it to have a perfect anatomy. For humans, it was the spine. It was one of the most vital parts of the body, but it could be a weakness. Once one's spine was damaged, they would have been rendered paralyzed. Being paralyzed meant one could no longer be of use, much like a fallen building that had turned into a heap of ruins. Once Rocky found this armored spirit-manipulated beast's Achilles' heel, the fight would be decided. He could finish this battle in a snap of a finger.

While Rocky was devising a plan to victory, Uriah was taking care of this armored spirit-manipulated beast. Uriah possessed a brilliant amount of strength. It was unable to damage the armored beast, but this beast also had a difficult time inflicting Uriah damage. Their skill levels were almost equal; neither could gain the upper hand.

'This beast's armor protects it from head to toe. It's possible that the armor is thinner on its underbelly compare to its other body parts. It makes sense because if the armor were of equal thickness all around, its movements won't be as bold. If only I could observe its underbelly closer, maybe I can identify its structure by using the Stroking Evaluation Skill. Maybe then I'd discover what this beast's weakness is, ' Rocky thought, grateful for his vast stock knowledge of modern biology. It was dangerous for Rocky to come close to this armored spirit-manipulated beast, even more so to observe its underbelly. He'd be crushed the moment he got discovered by the beast.

"Uriah!" Rocky called upon his spirit-manipulated beast. He had always enjoy taking risks. The instant Uriah heard his voice, they charged towards the armored spirit-manipulated beast. It was as if they were on sync.

Uriah roared and swiftly made its way to the armored wild spirit-manipulated beast. Its sharp talons clawed and scratched the wild beast's face. Sparks flew every time Uriah's claw made contact with the armored spirit-manipulated beast's face.

The armored spirit-manipulated beast shrieked in pain and flapped its wings to retreat. It tackled Uriah head on, like a mad bull in a bullfight. The impact was so intense that the dust under Uriah was cleared.

Uriah fell a few steps back. The immense force from the collision almost made it fall.

It was the perfect opportunity to put into action the Nebula Cloud Transformation. Rocky rapidly made his way to the armored spirit-manipulated beast's left side and started making gestures. A spiritual aura in the shape of a nebula cloud emerged from his chest. Soft light flickered as Rocky released his spiritual power. The soft light quickly turned bright as he performed the transformation. He released such immense power that the sand, stones, and trees around them turned rattled uncontrollably. Rocky's spiritual power chased the beast. The power almost got it.

The armored wild spirit-manipulated beast reacted very quickly to Rocky's spiritual power and was able to dodge such a powerful attack. It was indeed to a beast of high defensive skills. When Rocky's nebula cloud finally hit its target, a deafening boom erupted. The spiritual light grew blindingly bright. The dust rose, much like a haze. Nothing could be made out of the battlefield, but Rocky knew exactly where the armored beast was.


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