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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 148

Boom! A fireball landed on the spirit-manipulated beast's lower abdomen. The fireball hit the spirit-manipulated beast so hard the dagger went through its armored body, and out again in the open air. And with a hole in its torso, the spirit-manipulated fell down the ground. Another roaring sound was made as his body hit the ground.

"Uriah!" Rocky was surprised by the level of Uriah's abilities. He had never seen Uriah use such skills. These special skills were only used by spiritual beasts. Uriah seemed to have develop new fire controlling abilities, in additional to his capability to produce magical saliva.

'Could Uriah actually be a spiritual beast? It's probable it's still a juvenile one.' Rocky speculated. It was unsure whether Uriah was a war beast or a spiritual beast. His skill of producing magical saliva was not helpful in determining his kind because such ability was also displayed by war beasts but there were some cases that war beasts possessed such power. However, it was under extreme circumstance that Uriah developed a new ability. No war beasts had more than two special skills, so these skills must be innate to Uriah. Uriah was a spiritual beast, there was no doubt about that. His powers had not been fully realized yet, and so far, there were only two skills learned.

While Rocky was still trying to decide which category Uriah belonged to, the fallen armored spirit-manipulated beast let out a pained shriek. It rolled over on its belly and died covered in its own blood that came from the hole in its body bored by Uriah.

Uriah howled in excitement as it witnessed the fall of the spirit-manipulated beast it just defeated. It ran eagerly towards Rocky, jumping around as if waiting for a reward from its master.

"That was amazing, buddy!" Rocky lovingly held Uriah's body and petted its head affectionately. He'd most likely be dead if not for Uriah. He just realized how embarrassing he must have looked. His clothes were torn to pieces during the battle earlier. He barely had any energy left to walk.

And as if on cue, Uriah turned back to the body of the armored spirit-manipulated beast it just defeated, as if it saw something. It made its way back to the corpse and jumped on top of it. With its claws, Uriah dug through the dead beast's wound and searched for something for a while. When it finally found what it was looking for, it came back running to Rocky's side.

When Rocky noticed this, he followed Uriah back to the fallen armored spirit-manipulated beast and inspected it. From the body shot out two black beams of light. The light was coming out of the beast's wound and a strong spiritual aura followed it.

"What the hell is this?" Rocky thought out loud. He crouched beside it to take a better look. As he looked closer, he noticed that the two slivers of light came from two oval worm eggs. Each egg was around half the size of a palm. Rocky could sense the spiritual aura leaking out of the eggs. This entire thing in front of them was rather strange.

Rocky curiously picked up the eggs. He examined the two closely in his palms. They were hard, but obviously neither stones nor crystals. They were definitely something Rocky had never seen before. He somehow got the feeling these eggs were vaguely similar to the yellow spiritual crystal General Marcia gave him. It was just that the latter gave off a weaker spiritual power than that of the crystals'.

It was when Rocky felt a strong air of energy closing in from above. He looked up and saw a familiar war dragon flying towards him. It looked truly magnificent with its dark green colored scales and widely spread wings.

"This is Marin's war dragon! Is she going to be here soon?" Rocky immediately recognized this spirit-manipulated beast and who its master was. His eyes darted towards the dead armored spirit-manipulated beast. A plan was almost instantly formed in his mind. "Uriah!" he called. "We need to hurry and hide! No one should find out we killed this big fella," he explained. "The extent of our strength should remain unknown. Let's go somewhere we can hide."

Uriah let out a growl which let Rocky knew it understood his instructions. Rocky and Uriah quickly left the body of the fallen armored spirit-manipulated beast and went searching for a place to hide.

Marin's war dragon followed a trail of scent all the way to where Rocky was. She was riding her dragon when she found a wild spirit-manipulated beast lying around in an open field. She patted her spirit-manipulated beast's head, signaling it to fly at a lower height. Verdanim responded with a soft roar and immediately followed its master's whim and began descending slowly and carefully.


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