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Rebirth of the Prime Dragon Master novel Chapter 150

"Commander, I think granting the second class award to sixth squad would be unfair." Evan respectfully disagreed.

"I see. What do you suggest then, Evan?" Marin asked nonchalantly, turning towards Evan. She had always been repulsed by Evan's arrogance. She just had to let it go mostly because Evan came from a very influential family. Meanwhile, he was considered an elite in the northeast military camp. Despite letting things slide all the time, Marin was not going let Evan get his way this time and stand her way.

Evan hesitated for a second when he saw a faint annoyance in Marin's eyes. However, he still continued and voiced out his opinion. "I do not understand why you would want to grant the second class award to Rocky posthumously and the rest of the sixth squad. Rocky did not kill that spirit-manipulated beast. It was the other way around: he was killed by it. There is no merit there. If the Commander intends to grant Rocky and the sixth squad such an award, the entire military camp would lose its esteem towards the institution."

"Commander, I think Evan is right."

"A third class award is more than enough for the sixth squad."

"Please Commander! Please retract the award."

Evan was backed up by the leaders of the other squads.

Marin was not having it, and her face showed it. "Did none of you hear what I just said? Had Rocky not lured the beast away, the spirit-manipulated beast would have attacked and ruined other villages. That spirit-manipulated beast could have caused more casualties, but it did not. And that's all thanks to Rocky, who lost his life during that battle. Let me remind you of our duty. The northeast military camp stands not only to safeguard our border. We are here to protect civilians in the border region. We must prevent any kind of danger that might befall them so they can live in peace and prosperity. Now that Rocky is dead, a second class award is of no value to him. If for some miracle he survived this, I might have granted him a first class award instead. An action that heroic deserves so much more recognition."

Her words reached everyone in the northeast military camp and they took it deeply in their hearts. Soon enough, everyone was buzzing about how heroic Rocky's actions were.

Thor and Joss regretfully sighed, 'If only our squad leader returned alive, all of us in the sixth squad would have been granted the first class award.' All of them were aware of how painfully average their group was, so being granted a first class award was something they had never imagined to achieve.

Marin's words were mainly directed to Evan, a hit on his arrogance. He had always felt superior to his peers. His skill level and the squad he belonged to did not help cut his comb either. But the way Marin saw it, Rocky really stepped up against that spirit-manipulated beast. He knew he was outmatched, but he still heroically threw himself in battle in order to protect civilian lives. Such a noble act could never come from Evan.

As if on cue, Deputy Commander Chen swooped in the scene. A couple of spirit manipulator squads and hundreds of soldiers followed him. They carried a body that belonged to a Dark Heaven Insect with them.

The spirit manipulators and soldiers who were present in the military camp gasped in awe. Their eyes could not believe the Dark Heaven Insect that was in front of them.

"Could it be......could it be a Dark Heaven Insect?" Even Evan was shocked with what was presented to them.

"Its strength was tantamount to that of the fifth grade of the Earthly Stage. If you were in Rocky's shoes at that time, I am pretty sure the first thing you would do is run to save your own lives. It was not the case for Rocky. He had the courage and stood his ground against this beast. He fearlessly gave his life up for others," Marin said gravely as she shot Evan a look.

Even froze, and was rendered speechless. Marin was right. Had he crossed paths with a Dark Heaven Insect, he would, without a doubt, run for his life.

"Commander." Deputy Commander Chen saluted Marin. He noticed how displeased Marin was with Evan, who was right beside her. He instantly knew something was up between the two.

"Evan, did you just contradict our commander?" Deputy Commander Chen sourly asked Evan.

"No, sir! It is just that the Commander intends to grant Rocky and the sixth squad the second class award. She also stated she would have granted them the first class award had Rocky been alive. What are your thoughts about this, Deputy Commander Chen?" Evan muttered hesitantly.

"The second class award? And to first class if Rocky were to come back alive? Commander, is this true?" He turned to Marin as shock slowly crept on his face. Naturally, he never would have interfered with any of the commander's decision. Only this time, he thought the promotion was a bit too much.

"Deputy Commander Chen, the sixth squad apprehended the Three Powers at the Gahanna Border. They were wanted fugitives of the northeast military camp. Additionally, Rocky drew a Dark Heaven Insect away from a village, preventing civilian casualty. He lost his life doing so. I think a promotion to second class was rather fitting." Marin explained, as she gave her deputy commander a stern look.


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